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John Boon

Emeritus Professor of Marine Science

Retired: 2002
Department: Physical Sciences
Email: [[v|boon]]

  • B.A., Rice University
  • M.A., Ph.D., College of William & Mary
Research Interests

My primary interest as an emeritus professor is the advancement of physical science leading to an increased understanding of the coastal marine environment in the 21st century. I remain strongly curious about tides and tidal currents, coastal inundation by storm tides, regional variations in sea level and other aspects of climate change ongoing.

Current Projects
  • Using microwave radar technology to develop accurate, improved systems for low-cost, low-maintenance water-level monitoring
  • Analytical monitoring of water-level change and projections of regional sea-level rise at tide stations
Selected Publications
  • Boon, J.D. and M. Mitchell, 2015. Nonlinear Change in Sea Level Observed at North American Tide Stations. Journal of Coastal Research, 31(6): p. 1295-1305.
  • Boon, J.D. and M. Mitchell, 2016. Reply to: Houston, JR, 2016. Discussion of: Boon, JD and Mitchell, M., 2015. Nonlinear Change in Sea Level Observed at North American Tide Stations, Journal of Coastal Research, 31(6), 1295-1305. Journal of Coastal Research, 32(4), 983-987. Journal of Coastal Research, 32(4): p. 988-991.
  • Boon, J.D., 2012. Evidence of sea-level acceleration at U.S. and Canadian tide stations, Atlantic coast of North America. Journal of Coastal Research (in press).
  • Boon, J.D., 2012. Sea level rise and the impact of lesser storms. Chapter 8 in ASCE Council on Disaster Risk Management, Monograph No. 6, January 2012
  • Boon, J.D., J.M. Brubaker and D.M. Forrest, 2010. Chesapeake Bay land subsidence and sea level change: an evaluation of past and    present trends and future outlook. Virginia Institute of Marine Science Special Report No. 425 in Applied Marine Science and Ocean Engineering, 41 p., appendices.
  • Boon, J.D. , R.M. Heitsenrether and M. Bushnell, 2009. Microwave-acoustic water level sensor comparisons: sensor response to change in oceanographic and meteorological parameters. MTE/IEEE Oceans 2009 (October), Biloxi, MS.
  •  Boon, J.D. and J.M. Brubaker, 2008. Acoustic-microwave water level sensor comparisons in an estuarine environment. MTS/IEEE Oceans 2008 (October), Quebec City, Canada.
  • Boon, J.D., 2005. Isabel’s silent partners: Seasonal and secular sea level change. In: K.G. Sellner, ed., Hurricane Isabel in Perspective. CRC pub. 05-160, Edgewater, Maryland.
  • Boon, J.D., 2004. Secrets of the Tide: Tide and Tidal Current Analysis and Applications, Storm Surges and Sea Level Trends. Horwood Publishing, 212 p.