Outstanding Faculty Advisory Service Award

This is an alternating award given every 3 years to a faculty member who has excelled in teaching, research, or advisory service.

This year's winner of the Outstanding Faculty Advisory Service Award is Dr. Ken Moore.

Professor Ken Moore (R) with VIMS Dean and Director John Wells following the Awards Ceremony.Ken’s career demonstrates how good, basic research can be incorporated into state and federal initiatives to protect and preserve water quality in Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. A crowning achievement of his career was the incorporation of submerged aquatic vegetation and water clarity into Virginia’s water-quality standards in 2006 as a direct result of his work.

From the start of the Chesapeake Bay Program, Ken has shared his expert knowledge of bay grasses and water-quality issues as an active and valued member of many committees and workgroups, including the newly appointed Integrated Trends Analysis Team and Water Quality Technical Synthesis III Workgroup, the Tidal Monitoring and Analysis Workgroup, Criteria Assessment and Protocol Workgroup, Data Analysis and Monitoring Workgroup, Analytical Measurement Quality Assurance Workgroup, and the Submersed Aquatic Vegetation Workgroup, among others.

Ken continues to advance, promote, expand and improve the Virginia Estuarine and Coastal Observing System, which is an integral component of the Chesapeake Bay and Coastal Observing Systems and an important VIMS data portal and web service. Since 2011 all current and historical monitoring data provided by the federal and state Chesapeake Bay monitoring programs (going back to 1984) are now easily available through the VECOS portal.

There is no one more deserving of this Service Award than Ken for almost 40 years of dedicated service to VIMS and the Commonwealth.