Technical Support

The Outstanding Employee awards are chosen by nominations received by the Awards Committee from all faculty, staff, and students at VIMS. They are awarded in the categories of Facilities/Safety/Trades, Research and Advisory Service, Technical Support, and Administrative Support.

The winner of the 2015 Outstanding Employee for Technical Support is Ms. Jenny Dryer.

Ms. Jenny Dreyer with VIMS Dean and Director John Wells following the Awards Ceremony.We are pleased to recognize Jenny Dreyer for her outstanding support of the VIMS mission. Jenny coordinates the REU Program, curates the Invertebrate Collection, and serves as Lab Manager for Lisa Kellogg. In addition to her official roles, Jenny participates in outreach events, assists graduate students, and helps new employees learn everything from taxonomy to purchasing.

Jenny's coworkers note her work ethic, positive attitude, depth of knowledge, attention to detail, and devotion to getting the job finished no matter how challenging. Her passion for the aquatic environment and its organisms is obvious to anyone who seeks her assistance or interacts with her during an outreach event, and her commitment to training the next generation of marine scientists is evidenced by the many hours she dedicates to graduate students, undergraduate volunteers, and participants in the REU program. She sets very high standards for herself and serves as a positive role model for everyone she trains.

Jenny believes in helping everyone and plays a key role in contributing to the warm, positive, and inclusive community that is one of VIMS’ strengths.  It is with great pleasure that we present Jenny Dreyer with this award for Outstanding Technical Support.