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Grand Prize Winner
VIMS announces winners of 2020 Photo Contest

21st-annual contest recognizes the most noteworthy images captured by VIMS faculty, students, and staff while conducting research in the field and laboratory.

Blue crab stock remains within healthy range

Results from the latest Winter Dredge Survey—conducted annually by VIMS and the Maryland DNR—show the Chesapeake Bay’s blue crab stock will be able to support quality commercial and recreational harvests.

VIMS Visitors Center
Green Fee funds two sustainability projects at VIMS

Awards will help develop freshwater exhibit in VIMS Visitors Center and to survey property owners concerning preferences for managing shoreline erosion.

2019 Media Recap
VIMS was all the buzz in 2019

The 145 journal articles authored or co-authored by VIMS researchers in 2019 were talked about around the world. Here are the 15 that received the most "buzz."

Survey indicates slight decline in underwater grass abundance

VIMS report estimates that 91,559 acres of underwater grasses grew in the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries in 2018. The acreage is likely an underestimate as rain, cloudy water, and security restrictions prevented collection of aerial imagery in many areas.