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VIMS begins preparing for new research building

The 3-story, 68,240 square-foot structure will provide laboratory, office, and meeting space for faculty, staff, and students from all 4 academic departments.

grand prize for thumbnail
VIMS announces winners of 2022 Photo Contest

23nd-annual contest recognizes the most noteworthy images captured by VIMS faculty, students, and staff while conducting research in the field and laboratory.

VIMS Incoming Students 2022
New Students Arrive at VIMS

19 new students arrive to pursue PhD, MS, and professional MA degrees in marine science.

“Beautiful swimmers” attack at low tide

VIMS researchers observe blue crabs ambushing fiddler crabs from shallow, water-filled pits, like crocodiles ambushing wildebeests in Africa.

Nainoa Thompson
VIMS announces Scholar in Ocean Residency

Native Hawaiian navigator Nainoa Thompson will help amplify voice of Bay tribes as canoe voyages build links between indigenous communities of Pacific, Chesapeake.

Study predicts faster retreat of barrier islands

New model predicts a 50% acceleration in the rate of barrier-island retreat by 2100, even in the unlikely case of no further increase in the present rate of sea-level rise.

2021 Awards Presentation
VIMS announces winners of annual awards

Each year the VIMS community gathers to recognize exemplary performance by faculty, staff, and students. Learn about this year's honorees.

Ghost Forest
Rural areas will bear the brunt of U.S. sea-level rise

A new analysis using highly detailed elevation maps of the Chesapeake Bay suggests that North America's extensive areas of low-lying rural land will allow coastal marshes to persist or even expand as salty water creeps upward into what are now forests and farmland.

Grace Weeks
Research by W&M undergrads benefits students & VIMS

We celebrate Undergraduate Research Month at William & Mary by highlighting the growing synergy between W&M undergrads and faculty in the graduate School of Marine Science at VIMS.

William & Mary honors Hein with teaching award

Dr. Christopher Hein, VIMS Associate Professor, will receive the Thomas Jefferson Teaching Award during the university’s annual Charter Day ceremony on February 11th in Kaplan Arena.

Larval Antarctic Silverfish
Antarctic research links warming to fish decline

A long-term study in the Southern Ocean reveals a clear correlation between warming waters, decreased sea ice, and reduced abundance of Antarctic silverfish, a key prey item for penguins and other regional marine life.

VIMS Splash 2021
VIMS made a big splash in 2021

The 212 journal articles authored or co-authored by VIMS researchers in 2021 drew interest from around the world. Here are the 15 that made the biggest splash.