A Healthy Bay for Healthy Kids: Cooking with Virginia's First Lady

(Sept 30, 2006) On Wednesday October 4th, 2006, twelve 1st and 2nd graders, along with a parent, will have the opportunity to "cook" with Virginia's First Lady, Anne Holton, while learning the importance of sustaining our natural resources.

The event will begin with Dr. Kirk Havens sharing fun facts about what is needed to have a healthy Bay. Hands-on activities and interactive demonstrations will make the learning enjoyable. The kids will then make a chef's hat to wear in preparation for their "no-knife, no-boil" cooking. Dr. Havens is the Assistant Director for the Center for Coastal Resources Management at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS), College of William & Mary, and Director of the Coastal Watershed Program. He is a Virginia Gubernatorial appointee to the Chesapeake Bay Program's Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee and host of the television public service program Chesapeake BayWatch with Dr. Kirk Havens.

The 6- and 7-year olds will follow along with Virginia's First Lady as Chef John Maxwell shows how to make a healthy and delicious Chesapeake Bay seafood dish. Chef Maxwell, a Certified Executive Chef (CEC) and member of the American Academy of Chefs (AAC) is one of Virginia's highest profile chefs. He's been executive chef at 5-Diamond hotels and Fortune 500 corporations, and his knowledge of Southern Cooking, specifically Virginia cuisine, has taken him around the world teaching professional chefs. He shares his cooking skills on Down Home Virginia, aired in 30 markets throughout the Commonwealth.

A Healthy Bay for Healthy Kids will draw to an end with a better understanding of our environment, happy palates, and new ideas for cooking with kids.

The recipe, cooking demonstration, and clips from the Healthy Bay segment will be available on-line through VIMS' web site, providing unlimited access for others to participate at school or at home.