Kelley Watson Fellowship

The Kelley Watson Fellowship recognizes a student who exhibits academic excellence and leadership and has excelled in the core courses during the first year of graduate study. The fellowship is named in memory of Kelley Watson, a member of the incoming class of September 2000 who impressed her teachers and fellow students with her enthusiasm, commitment to academic excellence, and strong promise for a successful marine science career.

This year the core course instructors have selected Anna Elizabeth Murphy for the Kelley Watson Fellowship.

Annie Murphy.Annie Murphy arrived at VIMS from Fairfield University in Connecticut with a good deal of field and laboratory experience. Her undergraduate research on the food-web dynamics of the Asian shore crab was published in Estuaries and Coasts. Subsequent work in a shellfish hatchery piqued her desire to study the ecological impacts of shellfish aquaculture, thus she had a research topic in mind as she started her graduate program.

Annie has excelled in her first year at VIMS, receiving all “A”s in the core courses and demonstrating leadership in both the classroom and in her research. She has made an excellent start on her thesis project, studying the sustainability of clam aquaculture on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. Her success thus far in both the classroom and research indicate her potential for a successful career in marine science. Those who work with Annie appreciate her intelligence, enthusiasm, attention-to-detail, good humor, and her willingness to help her lab mates.

Annie is a most worthy recipient of the Kelly Watson Fellowship.

Congratulations, Annie!