Outstanding Professionals and Professional Faculty Award

The VIMS Outstanding Professionals and Professional Faculty Award honors a continuing record of excellence, a singular outstanding performance, or both.

The 2011 award goes to Mr. Mark LaGuardia.

Mr. Mark LaGuardia, winner of VIMS' Outstanding Professional Faculty Award for 2011.

Mark is a member of the Department of Environmental & Aquatic Animal Health. Fueled by scientific curiosity and professionalism, Mark has consistently exceeded expectations, advancing VIMS’ research, education, and advisory service missions while becoming internationally recognized.

Mark’s dedication, enthusiasm, and “can-do” attitude are truly commendable. He has overseen the completion of projects valued at more than $300,000 per year for over a decade. His research has found practical use by state and federal agencies, industry, and NGOs. In addition, his bench-level guidance of students has been integral to their success.

On the scholarly front, Mark has delivered 26 presentations at national and international scientific meetings and organized and chaired sessions. He is frequently sought out as a manuscript reviewer and recently was chosen as a journal board member.

Mark has first-authored 10 papers and co-authored 14 more since 2000. His 2006 Environmental Science & Technology paper on the composition of flame retardants has been referenced more than 300 times and recognized as a “Most-Accessed Article.” His 2007 and 2001 ES&T papers have garnered 74 citations and 107 citations to date. Such prominence contributed to VIMS’ ranking in the top 1% of institutions in the world in “Environment and Ecology.”

Finally, Mark is a U.S. Navy veteran. He and his wife Terumi are proud parents of 3 successful children.

Based on his contributions, we are proud to award him the VIMS Outstanding Professionals and Professional Faculty Award.

Congratulations, Mark!