2014 Top Stories

Stephen L. Kaattari
In Memoriam: Professor Stephen Kaattari

VIMS mourns the passing of Dr. Stephen L. Kaattari, CSX Professor of Marine Science, Emeritus, who passed away on November 11, 2014.

Input from end-users shapes planning tool

Community planners, scientists, and environmental managers refine a draft of a new computer model designed to improve the condition of Delmarva’s coastal bays.

VIMS student awarded prestigious EPA fellowship grant

Cassandra Glaspie of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science recently joined a select group of graduate students from across the nation as a recipient of a Science to Achieve Results (STAR) fellowship grant from the Environmental Protection Agency.

VIMS honors Marsh with Pathfinder Award

Former Secretary of the Army and Congressman has served on the VIMS Council for two decades, where he has provided exceptional leadership in environmental matters.

VIMS announces winner of Three Minute Thesis competition

Graduate student Lydia Bienlien of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science won first-place during VIMS’ inaugural Three Minute Thesis® competition for her description of the “secret triad” that affects the health of oysters and the people who eat them.

VIMS joins forces for state-wide science festival

With the help of canoes and glow sticks, people of all ages were introduced to the fun side of science during a series of events hosted by VIMS in honor of the first-ever Virginia Science Festival.

VIMS to help protect key Native American site

A $199,000 grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation will allow VIMS researchers to help protect Werowocomoco from shoreline erosion and sea-level rise.

Interns embark on careers in oyster aquaculture

VIMS recently celebrated the sixth group of interns to graduate from its Oyster Aquaculture Training Program during a reception on the Gloucester Point campus.

VIMS student pursues summer internship at the White House

VIMS graduate student Ike Irby recently returned from Washington D.C. where he spent his summer working with the nation’s top scientists within the Executive Office of the President’s Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP).

School of Marine Science at VIMS welcomes new students

The Virginia Institute of Marine Science welcomed 19 new graduate students last week, infusing William & Mary’s School of Marine Science at VIMS with a new wealth of research experience and academic promise.

Senator Kaine visits VIMS

Former governor discusses sea-level rise, blue crabs, and oysters with VIMS researchers during tour of Gloucester Point campus.

Fabrizio honored with Oscar E. Sette Award

VIMS Associate Professor Mary C. Fabrizio was recognized with the 2014 Oscar E. Sette Award during the 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society in Québec City, Canada on August 17th.

Lieutenant Governor visits VIMS

Virginia’s Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam visited VIMS on August 4th to learn about the Institute's three-part mission to conduct interdisciplinary research in coastal ocean and estuarine science, educate students and citizens, and provide advisory service to policy makers, industry, and the public.

Lisa Ayers Lawrence named Informal Educator of the Year

The Mid-Atlantic Marine Education Association (MAMEA) honored Lisa Ayers Lawrence of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science with the 2014 Informal Educator Award at the National Marine Educators Association (NMEA) Conference in July.

Natural Resources Secretary visits VIMS

Virginia’s Secretary of Natural Resources Molly Ward visited VIMS on August 1st to learn about the Institute's research and advisory services, with a focus on water quality monitoring and the Institute’s role in research, development, and ongoing industry support of oyster aquaculture.

Annual event raises funds for VIMS

The Colonial Sail & Power Squadron raised more than $5,000 during its fifth annual fundraising event for VIMS on July 19th.

Education Secretary visits VIMS

Visit by Anne Holton focuses on the important role that VIMS graduate students play in research, advisory service, and local K-12 classrooms.

VIMS professor recognized with prestigious award

VIMS Professor Elizabeth Canuel was honored with the Thomas Ashley Graves, Jr. Award for Sustained Excellence in Teaching during William & Mary’s commencement ceremony on Sunday.

VIMS grad honored with Thatcher Prize

Dr. Andre Buchheister, a recent graduate of the Ph.D. program at VIMS, was awarded the 2014 Thatcher Prize for Excellence in Graduate and Professional Study during William & Mary’s 2014 commencement ceremony.

Local 9th graders serve as pilot group for new program at VIMS

Ninth graders enrolled in Earth Science at Gloucester High School had the opportunity to get their feet wet last week during a field experience offered by the Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Virginia (CBNERR) at VIMS.

VIMS Emeritus Professor unveils climate-change art at W&M

A series of 22 paintings by Maynard Nichols, artist and emeritus professor at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, are on exhibit in the Botetourt Gallery at the College of W&M’s Earl Gregg Swem Library.

Parsons grant will enhance several research programs at VIMS

The Mary Morton Parsons Foundation has provided the VIMS Foundation with a leadership grant of $400,000 that researchers will use to purchase a state of the art “confocal” microscope capable of generating high-resolution 3-D images.

VIMS professors honored with Plumeri Awards

VIMS Professors Kenneth Moore and Deborah Steinberg have been selected as recipients of 2014 Plumeri Awards for Faculty Excellence at the College of William & Mary.

First grader wins VIMS artwork contest

Grand prize in VIMS' annual Marine Science Day artwork contest goes to Johnny Vaughan, a 1st-grader at Walsingham Academy in Williamsburg.

VIMS fisheries team featured in children’s book

"Counting the Fish in the Sea", by reporter and former teacher Carolyn Miller, depicts a day-in-the-life of VIMS Multispecies Survey Leader Jim Gartland and his team of scientists aboard the fishing vessel Darana R.

Chinese officials visit VIMS

A group of 22 officials from the State Oceanic Administration of China visit Gloucester Point to learn about VIMS' efforts to educate the public on coastal and ocean issues.

River expert warns of looming global water crisis

VIMS professor John Milliman cautions that the drought now gripping the American West is likely to continue, while California invites professors Elizabeth Canuel and Rob Latour to advise the state on how it should respond to the threat.

Local teacher named 2014 Regional Educator of the Year

Chesapeake Bay Trust recognizes Judy Gwartney-Green, a 7th-grade life-science teacher at Peasley Middle School in Gloucester, for her contributions to environmental education and Bay restoration.

VIMS hosts Working Waterfronts Workshop

Researchers, lawyers, planners, community leaders, and local watermen gathered at VIMS last week for a Working Waterfronts Workshop.

Study projects big thaw for Antarctic sea ice

A modeling study led by Professor Walker Smith shows that warming temperatures will reverse current trend, making Ross Sea largely ice free in summer by 2100.

VIMS alumna joins U.S. Department of Energy

Samantha Bickel receives prestigious John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship; begins as Environmental Science and Policy Specialist in the Offshore Wind and Ocean Renewable Energy office at the U.S. Department of Energy.

VIMS students network, present research at Sea Grant Symposium

VIMS graduate students traveled to the state capital last week to present their research at Virginia Sea Grant’s 5th Annual Project Participants’ Symposium at the Science Museum of Virginia.

Virginia Coastal Policy Clinic tackles legal issues of rising waters

The clinic, a partnership between W&M Law and VIMS' Center for Coastal Resources Management, allows students to integrate the latest science with legal and policy analysis to solve resource-management issues in the coastal zone.

New faculty member explores heart of nitrogen cycle

To address one of the world’s big problems—nutrient pollution and its impacts on water quality—Dr. BK Song studies some of Earth’s smallest creatures, the bacteria and fungi that help power the global nitrogen cycle.

VIMS prof honored by Inventors Hall of Fame

Inventor of the Year Award to Dr. Stan Allen recognizes his patented method for producing spawnless oysters, which has revolutionized aquaculture worldwide.