Natural Resources Faculty


Chiu, Grace
Email: [[gschiu]]
Office: Andrews Hall 337
Section: Natural Resources
Phone: (804) 684-7221
Research Lab: {{, Environmental Statistics and Transdisciplinary Data Science (ESTDatS)}}
Curriculum Vitae: {{, URL}}
Google Scholar: {{, URL}}


Dichiera, Angelina
Assistant Professor
Email: [[v|dichiera]]
Phone: (804) 684-7292
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall N105
Section: Natural Resources
Interests: Fish physiology, adaptation and plasticity, conservation
Website: {{}}

Thumbnail M. Fabrizio

Fabrizio, Mary C.
Email: [[v|mfabrizio]]
Phone: (804) 684-7308
Office: Nunnally Hall 135
Section: Natural Resources
Interests: Fish population dynamics, habitat, fish movement, fish ecology; fishery-independent surveys

Eric J. Hilton

Hilton, Eric J.
Professor; Chair, Natural Resources
Email: [[ehilton]]
Phone: (804) 684-7178
Interests: Comparative anatomy, systematics, and evolution of ray-finned fishes.
Office: Nunnally Hall 123/125
Section: Natural Resources

Kellogg, Lisa
Assistant Professor
Email: [[v|lkellogg]]
Phone: 804-684-7706
Office: Andrews Hall 338
Section: Natural Resources


Krueger-Hadfield, Stacy
Associate Professor
Email: [[v|sakh]]
Phone: (757) 787-8105
Office: AC10, 40 Atlantic Avenue, Wachapreague
Section: Natural Resources
Unit: Eastern Shore Laboratory
Lab Website: {{}}

Robert J. Latour

Latour, Robert J.
Email: [[latour]]
Phone: (804) 684-7312
Office: Nunnally Hall 127
Section: Natural Resources


Lipcius, Romuald N.
Email: [[rom]]
Phone: (804) 684-7330
Office: Andrews Hall 427
Section: Natural Resources

Mann, Roger L.
Email: [[v|rmann]]
Phone: (804) 684-7360
Office: Andrews Hall 425
Section: Natural Resources
Lab Website: {{, Molluscan Ecology Lab}}
Project Website: {{, Science Center for Marine Fisheries}}

McDowell, Jan
Associate Professor
Email: [[mcdowell]]
Phone: (804) 684-7263
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall N209
Section: Natural Resources

Adriane Michaelis

Michaelis, Adriane
Assistant Professor
Email: [[v|amichaelis]]
Phone: (804) 684-7392
Office: Andrews Hall 440
Section: Natural Resources
Interests: human dimensions, aquaculture and fisheries, social-ecological systems


Rudders, David
Assistant Professor; Associate Director, Marine Advisory Program
Email: [[v|rudders]]
Phone: (804) 684-7531
Office: Davis Hall 253
Section: Natural Resources
Unit: Marine Advisory Program


Scheld, Andrew
Associate Professor
Email: [[scheld]]
Office: Andrews Hall 442
Phone: (804) 684-7160
Section: Natural Resources
Interests: Fisheries economics and policy

Rochelle Seitz

Seitz, Rochelle D.
Email: [[seitz]]
Phone: (804) 684-7698
Office: Andrews Hall 331
Section: Natural Resources
Interests: Predator/prey dynamics; nursery habitat and food availability for blue crabs.
Lab Website: {{, Community Ecology}}

jess 100x100 oysters

Small, Jessica M.
Assistant Professor; Director, Aquaculture Genetics and Breeding Technology Center
Email: [[v|jamoss]]
Phone: (804) 684-7955
Office: Andrews Hall 408
Section: Natural Resources
Unit: Aquaculture Genetics and Breeding Technology Center

Thumbnail image of R. Snyder

Snyder, Richard A.
Professor; Director, Eastern Shore Laboratory
Email: [[rsnyder]]
Phone: (757) 787-5834
Office: 40 Atlantic Avenue, Wachapreague
Section: Natural Resources
Unit: Eastern Shore Laboratory

Bill Walton

Walton, Bill
Acuff Professor of Marine Science and Shellfish Aquaculture Program Coordinator
Email: [[v|walton]]
Phone: (804) 684-7238
Office: Acuff Center for Aquaculture 131
Section: Natural Resources

Weng, Kevin
Associate Professor
Email: [[kevinweng]]
Phone: (804) 684-7372
Office: Nunnally Hall 131
Section: Natural Resources