Undergraduate Research Highlights

Below is a sampling of the marine science research conducted by some of our current students and recent graduates. This is just a taste of the type of incredible and diverse science conducted by the many dozens of William & Mary undergraduate researchers who have worked, or are presently working, at VIMS. Much of it published with undergraduates as lead or co-authors. Scroll down to learn more!

Mahinaokalani Robbins 

Mahinaokalani Robbins graduated from W&M in May 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in Geology and a minor in Mathematics.Mahinaokalani transferred from Virginia Peninsula Community College in January 2019 and was eager to get involved in research. She joined Dr. Chris Hein’s lab, where her senior thesis focused on sea-level rise and updrift sediment trapping and how those factors drive net sand loss along the Virginia Barrier Islands. She was lead author on the paper stemming from this work, published in Geomorphology in 2022. Mahinaokalani is currently in graduate school studying Volcanology and Geochemistry at Western Washington University. 

Alex Pomroy  

Alex Pomroy is working on her bachelor’s degree in Biology and Philosophy at W&M. Alex has been heavily involved in research at VIMS, where she completed the Summer REU program and has worked with Dr. Rom Lipcius, Dr. Mary Fabrizio, and Dr. Jeffery Shields. Her research has spanned from studying blue crab fecundity to blue catfish physiology to her most recent research on the feeding ecology, salinity tolerance, infestation patterns, and overall relationship between the nemertean worm and the blue crab. Alex will be graduating in May 2023. 

Colleen Scott 


Colleen Scott graduated from W&M in May 2020 with a bachelor’s degree in Geology and a minor in Marine Science. Colleen was a Summer 2018 REU intern at VIMS, where her research focused on changes in groundwater analyte concentrations. Following her internship, Colleen joined Dr. Chris Hein’s lab, where her senior research focused on hurricane-induced marsh sedimentation along the Southeast US coast. Her work led to a preliminary dataset used in a successful National Science Foundation proposal and is now in preparation for publication. Colleen currently works at Dewberry on a project that aims to improve the climate resilience of New Jersey’s transportation systems.

Ally Gravgaard

Ally Gravgaard is working on her bachelor’s degree in Biology at W&M. Ally is in Dr. Rob Latour’s lab, where her project is focused on analyzing data from the Northeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program in R to create spatial distribution models of elasmobranchs in the Atlantic. Ally will be graduating in May 2023. 

Chloe Obara

Chloe Obara graduated from W&M in May 2020 with a bachelor's degree in Geology and a minor in Marine Science. Her interest in coastal geology motivated her to join Dr. Chris Hein's lab, where her research focused on quantifying sediment fluxes on Assateague Island, VA to understand the role of the growth of splits on the stability of downdraft barrier islands. She co-authored a paper from the Coastal Geology Lab, published in Quaternary Science Reviews in 2021. Chloe is currently pursuing her master's degree in Earth Sciences at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa.

Delaney Kirr

Delaney Kirr is working on her bachelor’s degree in Chemistry at W&M. Delaney is in Dr. Amber Hardison’s lab, where her senior thesis focuses on the stability of nutrient ratios in mixotrophic and phototrophic algae. Delaney will be graduating in May 2023, where her research will culminate in a written thesis and an honors defense.

Charlie Deaton 

Charlie Deaton graduated from W&M in May 2015 with a bachelor’s degree in Geology and Environmental Science. Charlie’s interest in marine science stemmed from a class trip to VIMS’ Eastern Shore Lab, which inspired him to join the labs of Dr. Chris Hein and Dr. Matt Kirwan. His senior thesis focused on the landward migration of Virginia’s Barrier Islands and how that impacted the loss of surrounding salt marshes, and was published in Geology in 2017. Charlie has a master’s degree in Marine Science from the University of North Carolina and currently works as a biologist at the North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries.  

Nhu-Lan Pho

Nhu-Lan Pho is working on her bachelor’s degree in Biology and Environmental Science & Policy at W&M. Nhu-Lan just finished a project with Dr. Donna Bilkovic, where she used GIS maps to verify the construction of living shorelines in Matthews, Middlesex, and Gloucester VA based on available permits. Nhu-Lan is currently working with Dr. Matthais Leu studying invasive species and their global distribution. Nhu-Lan plans to graduate in May 2025. 

Garrett Bellin 

Garrett Bellin is working on his bachelor’s degree in Applied Statistics & Data science at W&M. Garrett is in Dr. Roger Mann’s lab, where his research is focused on using GIS maps to find cod spawning locations to understand how they are affected by ocean warming trends. He hopes to create GIS models that can predict future cod spawning grounds as ocean temperatures continue to rise. Garrett plans to graduate in May 2025.   

Hannah Dahl 

Hannah Dahl is working on her bachelor’s degree in Biology and Environment & Sustainability at W&M. Hannah’s research focuses on how the Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve at VIMS can incorporate marsh bird monitoring through existing stewardship, education, and outreach programs. Hannah will be graduating in May 2023. 

Caela Gilsinan

Caela Gilsinan is working on her bachelor’s degree in Marine and Environmental Social Sciences at W&M. Caela has been heavily involved in research at VIMS, where she just completed a project exploring wind energy and fisheries economics with Dr. Andrew Scheld, Dr. Sarah Borsetti, and Dr. Daphne Munroe (Rutgers University). She presented a poster of this work at the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade at the 20th Biannual Conference in Vigo, Spain. Caela is currently working on another project with Dr. Scheld and Dr. Borsetti, exploring blue catfish fisheries. Caela will be graduating in May 2023.