Updates, info and tide-ings from the CBNERR-VA team

Visit our CBNERR-VA Story Map!

We are excited to announce that CBNERR-VA now has its very own Story Map!

Call for Abstracts

CBNERR-VA invites you to share your research, lived experience, recommendations and best practices!

CBNERR-VA and Seagrass

CBNERR-VA has been busy learning and sharing all things seagrass!

Our Summer Team is here!

Welcome to the friendly faces joining the CBNERR-VA team this summer!

Notice of Public Meeting

Pursuant to the federal Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, a virtual public meeting will be held as part of the federal performance evaluation of the Chesapeake Bay, Virginia National Estuarine Research Reserve. The meeting will be held 12:00 to 1:00pm on Wednesday, October 20, 2021.

2021 Cold Stun Alert

Sustained cold winter temperatures result in Speckled Trout deaths in Pamunkey River.

2020 NERRA Film Fest *Winner*

"Turning the Tide," a collaborative video highlighting the work of the Chesapeake Bay Sentinel Site Cooperative WINS the 2020 National Estuarine Research Reserve Association's Film Fest.

Resilient Reproduction

A recent collaborative effort between researchers from CBNERR-VA, VIMS and The University of Western Australia compares the survival and demographic characteristics of recovering Zostera marina (eelgrass) populations in the Chesapeake Bay after two different periods of warm water and rainfall events that caused large-scale declines.

M.A.D. for Marshes

The Margaret A. Davidson Graduate Fellowship is a new NOAA program that provides funding to graduate students to conduct estuarine research within one of the 29 reserves in the National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS). CBNERR-VA will support Derek Detweiler, its first Davidson Fellow, as mentors, scientists and community liaisons in his research and related outreach on the tidal marsh carbon cycle.

Periwinkles Don't Have a Preference

A report based on research from Taskinas Creek demonstrated that Littoraria irrorata, uses both smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) and big cordgrass (Spartina cynosuroides) as habitat.

Hack the Bay

A month-long hackathon in August will encourage teams and individuals to Hack the Bay.

Restoration Story Map

NERRS releases a new story map focused on restoration science

TLP for Marshes at Risk

CBNERR was fortunate to be part of a collaborative research project that connected reserves across the U.S. to examine thin layer placement (TLP) of sediment as a climate adaptation strategy for marshes at risk from sea level rise. 

CBNERR Education Infographic
Education Snapshot

A snapshot of how CBNERR’s education programs are helping Virginia’s communities connect with the Chesapeake Bay.

Discovery Labs 2020
March Discovery Lab Cancelled

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the March Discovery Lab is cancelled. We will keep you posted on the status of the April Discovery Lab at a later date.

Discovery Labs 2020
Discovery Labs are back!

2020 Spring Discovery Lab topics and dates have been chosen. Join us Tuesday February 18th from 6:00- 8:00pm for our February Discovery Lab: FOSSILS with guest speaker Dr. Rowan Lockwood.

York River - Goodwin aerial
York River and Small Coastal Basins Research Symposium - Call for Abstracts

The Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Virginia welcomes abstract submissions for the upcoming York River and Small Coastal Basins Research Symposium. The event will take place Tuesday, April 28, 2020, at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science in Gloucester Point, Virginia.

TLP Story Map screenshot
Thin-Layer Placement in the Classroom

CBNERR has created a lesson plan and an Esri Story Map for teachers to help teach students about marshes and thin-layer placement restoration techniques.

Resource Box
Resource Boxes

Check out a Resource Box for your classroom today!