Summer Intern Program

Select REU Research Projects

  • Jill Ashey (2018) William & Mary, "Physiological responses in the juvenile Eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica with differing environmental histories", Mentor: Emily Rivest

  • Stacy Aguilera (2009) Stanford University, "Secondary Production of Subtidal and Intertidal Rip-Rap Shorelines of the Patuxent and Lynnhaven Rivers", Mentor: Rochelle Seitz

  • Alexandra Badia (2011) Chatham University "Examining a Contemporary Method for Monitoring the Flux of Volatile Organic Carbon across Air-Sea Interface", Mentor: Rebecca Dickhut

  • Lydia Bienlien (2012) Morningside College, "Molecular analysis of Perkinsus marinus infection acquisition in Crassostrea virginica." Mentor: Ryan Carnegie 

  • Leslie Bland (2010) James Madison University, "Studying and Comparing Chesapeake Bay 3-D Hydrodynamic Models", Mentors: Marjy Friedrichs, Carl Friedrichs

  • Robert Boyd (2014) College of William & Mary, "Atlas of lobster histology and anatomy", Mentor: Jeffery Shields

  • Jessica Braunstein (2012) Lee University, "Effects of varying shoreline times on crab and fish species: Abundance, size and juvenile blue crab survival." Mentor: Rochelle Seitz

  • James Brown (2015) Bates College, "Exchanges of heat and salt across the Mid Atlantic Bight shelf-break from the ROMS ESPRESSO Model", Mentors: Dr. Donglai Gong & Daniel Wang
  • Pearce Cooper (2012) Virginia Tech, "Determining the connectivity of cownose ray, Rhinoptera bonasus, populations in the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico using microsatellite DNA markers." Mentor: Dr. Jan McDowell

  • Cynthia Craig (2003) Morgan State University, "Nutrient limitation of phytoplankton biomass in the Gulf of Mexico", Mentor: Deborah Bronk

  • Samuel Diaz-Muñoz (2001), Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez, "Quantification of essential fish habitat at LEO 15", Mentor: Robert Diaz

  • James Douglass (2001), Rice University, "Functional differences and competitive interactions of four pericaridean crustaceans common in the submerged aquatic vegetation of Chesapeake Bay", Mentor: Emmett Duffy

  • Hannah Ehrmann (2013) Gettysburg College, "Variation in Benthic Macroinvertebrate Community Structure and Sediment Composition in the Tidal Freshwater Subtributaries of the York River, Mentors: Jennifer Dreyer, Linda Schaffner

  • Carolyn Ewers (2007) California Polytechnic State University, “Comparing benthic community secondary productivity in various shallow-water habitats”, Mentor: Rochelle Seitz

  • Marta Faulkner (2018) Cornell University, "Characterizing the transport pathways and storage of freshwater in the western Arctic Ocean through a HYCOM-based drifter study", Mentor: Donglai Gong

  • Bárbara García-Pérez (2001), Colegio Universitario del Este, “The role of Molgula manhattensis in water quality of the York River estuary”, Mentor: Dr. Linda Schaffner
  • Natasha Gownaris (2009) Gettysburg College, "Nitrogen Uptake Dynamics of Macroalgae and Phytoplankton in Shallow Marine Systems", Mentor: Mark Brush

  • Marc Hammond (2013) University of Massachusetts, Amherst, "The Environmental Ecology of Oyster Parasites: Identifying Waterborne Stages of Perkinsus marinus and Haplosporidium nelsoni", Mentor: Ryan Carnegie

  • Emmalynn Hicks (2018) Bryn Mawr College, "A Comparison of Methodologies for Analysis of the Silt/Clay Ratio in the James River Estuary", Mentors: Carl Friedrichs, Grace Massey, and Jessica Turner
  • Josh Himmelstein (2016) The College of William & Mary, "The Variance and History of Marsh Ponding on Goodwin Island, VA", Mentor: Dr. Matt Kirwan

  • Drew Howard (2011) University of North Carolina Wilmington, "Comparison of length-weight relationships for three fish species from the James, York, and Rappahannock rivers", Mentors: Mary C. Fabrizio, Troy Tuckey.

  • Nate Hua (2015) University of Iowa, "Impacts of microplastic and PCB pollution on microbial denitrification and community structure", mentors: Bk Song, Ashley Smyth.

  • Tiffany Hwang (2022), CA State Polytechnic University, “Effects of stingray foraging holes on predator intensity and bulk carbon storage”, Mentor: Dr. Chris Patrick
  • Cora Ann Johnston (2007) Hampshire College, “Evaluation of macroalgae (Gracilaria spp.) as alternative nursery habitat for blue crab in Chesapeake Bay using the growth rate/predation risk trade-off hypothesis: A study of survival”, Mentor: Rom Lipcius

  • Shannon Jones (2015) Northeastern University, "Toxic growth: Changes in growth and toxin production in Alexandrium fundyense when grown on nitrate, ammonium and urea sources, Mentors: Juliette Smith, Taylor Armstrong 

  • Madeline Karp (2012) The College of William & Mary, "Comparison of insect diversity in three marshes in the Pamunkey River." Mentors: Jim Perry, Lori Sutter

  • Rebecca Kolkmeyer (2014), University of Virginia, "Bivlaves and Eutrophication", Mentors: Annie Murphy, Iris Anderson

  • Jonathan Lefcheck (2008) Colby College, “Factors affecting trophic control of community structure and ecosystem functioning in experimental seagrass mesocosms”, Mentor: Emmett Duffy

  • Chanté Lively (2019), Nova Southeastern University, “Salinity and pH effects on blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, cuticle layer structure”, Mentor: Dr. Rochelle Seitz
  • Sean Lusk (2012) Virginia Tech, "Occurrence and growth rate of juvenile southern flounder, Paralichthys lethostigma, in the Chesapeake Bay." Mentor: Eric Hilton

  • Soley Luyando Flusa (2018), "Changing Depositional Environments of the Upper Chesapeake Bay in Response to European Colonization and Implications for Oyster Populations", Mentors: Chris Hein and Jenn Connell
  • Phillip Matich (2006) University of South Carolina, “Migration rates of invertebrate grazers in eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds: Variation with species, time, and distance among patches”, Mentor: Emmett Duffy

  • Joseph Matt (2012) Wake Forest, "The effect of tetraploid mosaicism on triploid progeny of Crassostrea virginica. Mentor: Stan Allen

  • Tim Montgomery (2004) College of William and Mary, “Sediment organic matter abundance in eelgrass beds of the York River”, Mentor: Elizabeth Canuel

  • Julia Moriarty (2008) University of Chicago, “The effect of seasonal variation on sediment transport and deposition on a collision margin: the Umpqua River”, Mentors: Tara Kniskern, Courtney Harris

  • Emilee Mroz (2006) St. Lawrence University, “Physical versus biological controls on seabed erodibility in a muddy, partially mixed estuary”, Mentor: Carl Friedrichs

  • John Nichols (2002) UNC Chapel Hill, "Evaluating the biological integrity of wetlands through floristic quality assessments", Mentors: Jim Perry, Jim Kirkley

  • Brittany Peachey (2013) Grove City College, "Evaluation of cytochalasin B and 6-dimethylaminopurine for tetraploidy induction in the Eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica", Mentor: Dr. Stan Allen

  • Sabrina Ramirez (2012) Old Dominion University, "Community structure of tidal freshwater benthic communities associated with the Asian clam, Corbicula fluminea, in the tributaries of the York River." Mentors: Jennifer Dreyer, Linda Schaffner

  • Corelle Rokicki (2015) Eckerd College, "In vivo replication kinetics in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus and Flavobacterium psychrophilum, Mentors: Andrew Wargo

  • Nyanza Rothman (2010) Vassar College, "Trace Metal Cycling in an Algal Floway System", Mentors: Aaron Beck, Elizabeth Canuel

  • Amanda Salmoiraghi (2021), Purchase College, “Determining relatedness of juvenile Atlantic Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis) in Chesapeake Bay using microsatellite markers”, Mentor: Dr. Jan McDowell
  • Isaiah Sanders (2018) Chowan College, "Characterizing Candidate Loci for Local Adaptation in Speckled Trout (Cynoscion Nebulosus) Populations along the U.S. East Coast", Mentors: Jan McDowell and Jingwei Song
  • Matthew Schliep (2014) College of William & Mary, "The role of ribbed mussels (Geukensia demissa) in living shorelines: Settlement and potential for influencing nutrient cycling", Mentors: Dr. Donna Bilkovic, Molly Mitchell, Robert Isdell

  • Ryan Scott (2008) Old Dominion University, “The uses of acoustic doppler velocimeter measurements to infer the evolution of seabed erodibility in the York River Estuary”, Mentor: Carl Friedrichs

  • Margaret Simon (2007) Haverford College, “Seasonal sediment erodibility and tidal effects in an idealized numerical model of the York River Estuary”, Mentor: Courtney Harris

  • Cristin Wright (2016) Maine Maritime Academy, "Physical Properties of Sediment and Abundance of Resilient Muddy Fecal Pellets Along the York River, Virginia", Mentors: Dr. Grace Massey, Dr. Carl Friedrichs

  • Elizabeth Wallace (2014) University of Virginia, "Interannual variability of temperature, salinity, and shelf-water volume in the Middle Atlantic Bight from 1977 to 2013", Mentor: Dr. Donglai Gong

  • Thalia Wallace (2019), Community College of Philadelphia, “Red Disease and antibiotic resistance of American eels”, Mentors: Amanpreet Kohli & Dr. Andrew Wargo
  • Spencer Weinstein (2015) University of Massachusetts Amherst, " Characterization of blueline tilefish (Caulolatilus microps microsatellite loci: A genetic investigation of geographic connectivity", Mentors: Jan McDowell, Heidi Brightman

  • Stephanie Wilson (2016) Saint Francis University, "Impacts of Industrial Poultry Contamination on Sediment Denitrifying Communities", Mentor: B.K. Song