"Bootsie" McCracken

Anne "Bootsie" McCracken has chaired the committee in charge of VIMS' annual Art Show and Auction  for the past 4 years. Her eagerness to take on this daunting job has been surpassed only by her desire to work in such an energetic way with all of her committee members and with the VIMS faculty and staff. Bootsie's creative mind inspires everyone.

VIMS Volunteer "Bootsie" McCracken and her husband, VIMS Council member Jim RogersUnder Bootsie's able guidance, recent Art Auctions have raised 10s of thousands of dollars for VIMS programs. Auction proceeds have supported student research at the Eastern Shore Lab, in all VIMS academic departments, and with the Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve. Bootsie's hard work has also helped to attract  world-renowned marine artist and conservationist Dr. Guy Harvey, Gloucester native Guy Crittenden, and  wildlife sculptors Willam and David Turner.

Aside from her work on VIMS auctions, Bootsie and her husband Jim Rogers are instrumental in supporting the Kauffman Aquaculture Center and promoting the study of oysters. Their continuing commitment to VIMS has helped attract others to support the institute. VIMS is fortunate indeed to have Bootsie McCracken working with us to support marine science, research, and education. Bootsie is a volunteer who truly makes a difference!

VIMS recognized Bootsie's outstanding volunteer efforts by awarding her the 2007 Robert M. Freeman Volunteer of the Year Award. The award was named for Robert Mallory Freeman, a former VIMS Council member and supporter who passed away in 2004.