
Digital books are a growing presence within the W&M Libraries and are primarily supported by funding from W&M Libraries and VIVA, the state consortium of university and college libraries.

How to find Ebooks

Ebooks are listed in the catalog database. When you do a topic or title search in the catalog database, ebooks will be listed amongst information on print books, along with links to the item.

Opening up an Ebook

Ebooks will be indicated by an online access note under the title. Select the View Online tab and then the displayed link.

You can read the book online both on and off campus. If you are off-campus, you will be prompted to authenticate. The EBL collection will prompt you to authenticate when you are on campus.

The major ebook collections that have materials of interest to the VIMS community are EBSCO, Proquest, Springer and Elsevier Science Direct.

As these collections are provided by a variety of companies, you will encounter different interfaces and varying methods of saving and downloading content.

Info on using, saving, and downloading digital books: Read the Guide to Electronic Books for FAQs and details.


Some important handbooks and series are available to you online: