Study Carrels

Need a study space away from the department or lab?

There are a limited number of study carrels in Hargis Library which may be available for you to use during the Fall and Spring semesters, with the possiblity of a renewal based upon carrel

Contact library staff to have a desk assigned to you.

About Your Carrel 

  • Books must be checked out to you through circulation services before they are stored at your desk.  Items found at the desk that are not on loan to you will be returned to the stacks.
  • Bound journals are not to be kept at the desk. Copy or scan what you need and place the volume in the reshelving unit near the copier.
  • Please keep your area tidy and do not leave food or drink materials that may attract critters.

Your carrel assignment is for one semester. If you wish to continue to use it, advise the library staff at the end of the current semester.