Matthew Fontaine Maury Fellowship Award

The Matthew Fontaine Maury Student Fellowship Award is made possible by a gift and pledge of Retired U.S. Navy Captain J. Maury Werth to honor his great-grandfather Matthew Fontaine Maury, a son of Virginia often referred to as the "Father of Oceanography" and the "Pathfinder of the Seas." The Maury Award recognizes interdisciplinary achievements in marine and environmental scholarship, research, and/or policy/management efforts, and outstanding publications, thesis, or dissertation work.

This year's winner is Andrij Horodysky.

Andrij has shown himself to be an interdisciplinary scientist of the highest caliber. His dissertation research in the area of sensory biology of fishes works at the intersection of organismal biophysics and ecology. His investigations of hearing, visual acuity, and spectral sensitivity in estuarine fishes have required him to master theory and techniques from diverse areas of sensory biology, including acoustics, biomechanics, and photobiology. This work is an ambitious undertaking, requiring a high level of technical skill in the laboratory to execute properly.

In addition to his outstanding research, Andrij has developed a masterful ability to communicate science effectively. He has presented his research to a wide range of audiences, including recreational anglers, members of advisory boards within the Virginia Marine Resources Commission, and colleagues at several national and international conferences. His presentations are detailed without being overwhelming, humorous yet serious, with a top-notch sense of how to effectively convey complex and interdisciplinary topics.
Without question, Andrij has developed into an exceptional young scientist. He is highly motivated and extremely productive, as evidenced by his role as co-PI on five grants from extramural agencies and co-author of five peer-reviewed manuscripts.

Because of the quality and breadth of his research and his natural leadership abilities, Andrij is a very deserving recipient of the Maury Award.

Congratulations, Andrij!