VIMS 2007 Student Awards

The following remarks were read by Dean and Director Dr. John Wells during VIMS' annual Awards Ceremony on May 9, 2008 to honor recipients of the 2007 Student Awards. Citations for the 2007 Service Awards are also available.

Kelley Watson Fellowship

The fellowship honors Kelley Watson, a member of the incoming class of September 2000. The recipient for 2008 is Ms. Karinna Núñez.

Zeigler Student Achievement Award

The Zeigler Award honors the past contributions to student needs of Dr. John Zeigler, the first SMS Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, and the continuing contributions of Mrs. Marilyn Zeigler. This year's recipient is Mr. Dave Hewitt.

William J. Hargis Jr. Fellowship Award

Former Dean and Director Bill Hargis established this award to recognize superior academic performance and exceptional promise in marine research. This year's recipients are Steven Baer and Mark Henderson.

Matthew Fontaine Maury Fellowship Award

This award was endowed by the late U.S. Navy Captain J. Maury Werth to honor his great-grandfather Matthew Fontaine Maury, a son of Virginia often referred to as the “Father of Oceanography” and the “Pathfinder of the Seas.” This year's recipient is Mr. Andrij Horodysky.

Best Student Paper Awards

Each year a committee of faculty and students chooses the best journal articles by VIMS graduate students. Papers are judged for scope of problem, degree of challenge, magnitude of effort, hypothesis formulation and testing, and style. This year's winners are Emily Yam and Joel Hoffman.