2009 Top Stories

Storm photos and video

Meteorologists predict that storm tide from current nor'easter may rise higher than during Hurricane Isabel.

Study reveals threat to tidal wetlands

Study shows that continuation of current shoreline-protection strategies will cause more than half of East Coast tidal wetlands to drown beneath rising seas during the coming century.

VIMS assists in oil-spill drill

Oil-spill exercise on the York River helps emergency-management teams better coordinate their responses to such an event.

MA project may jumpstart market for offshore wind energy

VIMS alum Charles Natale says pending approval of the "Cape Wind" project in Massachusetts is likely to jumpstart development of other wind farms in the nation's coastal waters, including those off Virginia.

Dead whale towed to isolated area

The whale that washed ashore in Gloucester has been towed to and anchored in a remote area near the Goodwin Islands.

Dead whale washes ashore

Press queries regarding the animal should be directed to Linda Candler of the Virginia Aquarium at 757-613-0416.

Bottom dwellers need more oxygen

A survey of bottom-dwelling animals in Chesapeake Bay reveals that even relatively hardy organisms are under stress due to low oxygen.

House delegates visit VIMS

Members of the Virginia House of Delegates’ Chesapeake Subcommittee visit VIMS to explore issues facing Chesapeake Bay and its watershed.

VIMS to help restore marine life to seaside bays

VIMS researchers will collaborate with public and private partners on a new effort to restore oysters, seagrass, and bay scallops to Virginia's seaside bays.

Survey reflects rapid expansion of Virginia’s oyster aquaculture

A survey of Virginia’s oyster farmers shows a dramatic increase in the number of seed and larvae sold between 2007 and 2008. The survey, by VIMS’ Sea Grant Extension Program, also found that hatcheries predict an additional 4-fold increase in sales for 2009.

VIMS open house draws record crowd

VIMS' annual open house drew an estimated 2,000 visitors to Gloucester Point on May 30 for a day of fun and learning.

‘Ghost Pot’ program benefits Bay and watermen

Virginia’s one-of-a-kind program to remove derelict crab traps from Chesapeake Bay yields data that will improve next year’s recovery effort and further reduce inadvertent trapping of Bay organisms.

2008 VIMS Awards

VIMS Dean and Director John Wells bestows service and student awards on selected individuals from the VIMS community during the Institute's annual Award Ceremony.

Orth to highlight success in seagrass restoration

VIMS professor Robert Orth will describe his team’s success in restoring underwater grasses to Virginia's seaside lagoons during the International Marine Conservation Congress on May 20th.

Encouraging news on Bay grasses

VIMS research shows that underwater grasses increased in Chesapeake Bay and rivers in 2008.

VIMS grad student wins AERS presentation award

Graduate student Juliette Poleto Giordano won the award for outstanding student oral presentation at the spring meeting of the Atlantic Estuarine Research Society.

VIMS dedicates new marine research complex

VIMS dedicates Andrews Hall and the Seawater Research Lab in a ceremony that highlights the many contributions of Hunter and Cynthia Andrews.

Study shows VIMS professors on cutting edge

A new analysis of the worldwide scientific literature shows that VIMS professors Deborah Steinberg and Jim Bauer are at the cutting edge of their respective fields.

Turner sculptures to highlight VIMS Art Auction

VIMS' 2009 Art Show and Auction will feature the works of Eastern Shore sculptors William and David Turner, a father and son team known internationally for their wildlife sculptures in bronze.

VIMS grad wins student presentation award

Ph.D. student Kersey Sturdivant has won an award for Best Student Poster Presentation at the recent annual meeting of the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography.

Researchers show that three fish families are one

An international team of scientists including VIMS Asst. Professor Tracey Sutton resolves a long-standing biological puzzle by showing that a group of deep-sea fishes previously classified into 3 separate families are actually the larvae, males, and females of a single family—the whalefishes.

DuPaul retires

Virginia Sea Grant recognizes retiring Marine Advisory Program Director William DuPaul.