Community Service Award

The Community Service award honors a VIMS employee who contributes to his or her local community through volunteerism, school actitivies, elected office, or other support.

The winner of the Community Service Award for 2013 is Ms. Debbie Galvez.

VIMS Business Manager Debbie Galvez (right) and Dean and Director John Wells (left).Debbie started her career at VIMS more than 16 years ago with the Facilities Management Department, transferred to Sponsored Research, and then returned to Facilities. This turned out to be a most favorable development for the VIMS Facilities team.

As Business Manager for Facilities, Debbie maintains accurate accounting for all projects, tracks the operating budget, and serves as the human-resources liaison for all new hires. She also processes all departmental invoices and purchase orders while keeping current with often-changing computer systems. Debbie consistently provides excellent customer service to both VIMS’ employees and outside vendors.

With respect to community service, Debbie is always willing to help where there is a need. She volunteers at Marine Science Day, coordinates our weekly Weight Watchers meetings, and serves on the Coke Fund Committee responsible for the VIMS Holiday and Children’s Holiday parties. Debbie enjoys preparing and serving meals at the Peninsula Rescue Mission and volunteers to visit with residents at Colonial Harbor Retirement Home.

Debbie is a pleasure to work with and is most deserving of this year’s VIMS Community Service Award for her dedicated service.