ABC Outreach

Karen Sisler speaks to two visitors on Marine Science Day.  She shows them oyster seed in the nursery and explains how to care for the young oysters.   Educational outreach is an important part of the mission of the Aquaculture and Breeding Technology Center. ABC and VIMS staff host tours for citizens, industry groups, and government officials on a regular basis. ABC scientists give talks in Gloucester Point as part of VIMS’ After Hours Lecture Series, and also travel to external sites as part of the Speaker's Bureau and Parks Program.

Algologist Amanda Chesler-Poole at her algae station on Marine Science Day.  She uses this display to teach VIMS campus visitors about the imporance of nutrition in raising healthy oysters in the hatchery.  Each spring, VIMS hosts thousands of guests during Marine Science Day. At the oyster hatchery, ABC staff will walk you through the oyster spawning process, life cycle, and various hatchery and grow-out techniques. Independent stations inside the hatchery allow you and your family to soak up information at your own pace. You can observe live larvae swimming under a microscope, as well as young oyster seed growing outside in the nursery.

Want to take a tour group through the Gloucester Point oyster hatchery or the Kauffman Aquaculture Center? Visit the VIMS Public Tours page, or contact VIMS’ Outreach Programs at (804) 684-7061.