Data Products

The samples and data gathered by the VIMS Juvenile Finfish Trawl Survey are analyzed by survey staff, students, other VIMS researchers, and collaborating scientists from other institutions. The data generated by the survey are then used by fishery managers, researchers and non-profit organizations to help make decisions about managing and conserving our natural resources.  

These data play a crucial role in formulating annual estimates of juvenile abundance for the Virginia Marine Resources Commission and multi-state fishery management councils, contributing to the development of comprehensive fishery management plans. Local non-profits, such as the Elizabeth River Project, also use trawl data to help assess the restoration progress of the local tributary.

 The products resulting from the trawl or their analyses can also include

In addition to collecting data on the abundance of Virginia's juvenile fish, the Juvenile Finfish Trawl Survey generates a wealth of ancillary data concerning
  • hydrography (secchi depth, water depth, water temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen)
  • atmospheric conditions (air temperature, sea state, tide, and wind speed)

Any requests for data may be submitted to Wendy Lowery using this form.