Aquatic Diseases & Immunity: Journal Articles

The following list is based on a search of VIMS-authored research articles from Thomson Reuters' Web of Science© using the title search term disease and the keyword search terms immun*, pathogen, or virulen*. The list is updated at least biannually.

  1. Breitburg, D.L., et al., 2015. Landscape-Level Variation in Disease Susceptibility Related to Shallow-Water Hypoxia. Plos One, 10(2).
  2. Spiers, Z.B., et al., 2014. Longitudinal study of winter mortality disease in Sydney rock oysters Saccostrea glomerata. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 110(1-2): p. 151-164.
  3. Lapointe, D., et al., 2014. Temperature, hypoxia, and mycobacteriosis: effects on adult striped bass Morone saxatilis metabolic performance. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 108(2): p. 113-127.
  4. Gruszynski, K., et al., 2014. Evaluating Wildlife as a Potential Source of Salmonella serotype Newport (JJPX01.0061) Contamination for Tomatoes on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. Zoonoses and Public Health, 61(3): p. 202-207.
  5. Frank-Lawale, A., S.K. Allen, and L. Degremont, 2014. Breeding and Domestication of Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea Virginica) Lines for Culture in the Mid-Atlantic, USA: Line Development and Mass Selection for Disease Resistance. Journal of Shellfish Research, 33(1): p. 153-165.
  6. Engelsma, M.Y., et al., 2014. Bonamia parasites: a rapidly changing perspective on a genus of important mollusc pathogens. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 110(1-2): p. 5-23.
  7. Dolan, T.W., M.J. Butler, and J.D. Shields, 2014. Host behavior alters spiny lobster-viral disease dynamics: a simulation study. Ecology, 95(8): p. 2346-2361.
  8. Carnegie, R.B. and M.Y. Engelsma, 2014. Microcell parasites of molluscs: introduction to DAO Special 7. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 110(1-2): p. 1-4.
  9. Butler, M.J., et al., 2014. Effects of the parasitic dinoflagellate Hematodinium perezi on blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) behavior and predation. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 461: p. 381-388.
  10. Audemard, C., et al., 2014. Bonamia exitiosa transmission among, and incidence in, Asian oyster Crassostrea ariakensis under warm euhaline conditions. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 110(1-2): p. 143-150.
  11. Ye, J.M., et al., 2013. The teleost humoral immune response. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 35(6): p. 1719-1728.
  12. Stentiford, G.D., et al., 2013. Haplosporidium littoralis sp nov.: a crustacean pathogen within the Haplosporida (Cercozoa, Ascetosporea). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 105(3): p. 243-252.
  13. Shields, J.D., 2013. Complex etiologies of emerging diseases in lobsters (Homarus americanus) from Long Island Sound. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 70(11): p. 1576-1587.
  14. Moss, J., D. Behringer, et al. 2013. Distribution, prevalence, and genetic analysis of Panulirus argus virus 1 (PaV1) from the Caribbean Sea. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 104(2): 129-140.
  15. Harding, J. M., E. N. Powell, et al. 2013. Variations in eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) sex-ratios from three Virginia estuaries: protandry, growth and demographics. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 93(2): 519-531.
  16. Lynch, S. A., A. Villalba, et al. 2013. The occurrence of haplosporidian parasites, Haplosporidium nelsoni and Haplosporidium sp., in oysters in Ireland. Journal of invertebrate pathology 112(3): 208-212.
  17. Ma, C. Y., J. M. Ye, et al. 2013. Differential compartmentalization of memory B cells versus plasma cells in salmonid fish. European Journal of Immunology 43(2): 360-370.
  18. Haines, A. N., D. T. Gauthier, et al. 2013. First report of Streptococcus parauberis in wild finfish from North America. Veterinary Microbiology 166(1-2): 270-275.
  19. Stentiford, G. D., K. S. Bateman, et al. 2013. Haplosporidium littoralis sp nov.: a crustacean pathogen within the Haplosporida (Cercozoa, Ascetosporea). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 105(3): 243-252.
  20. Horth, L., D. Gauthier, et al. 2013. Heritable Melanism and Parasitic Infection Both Result in Black-Spotted Mosquitofish. Southeastern Naturalist 12(1): 209-216.
  21. Shields, J. D. 2013. Complex etiologies of emerging diseases in lobsters (Homarus americanus) from Long Island Sound. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70(11): 1576-1587.
  22. Holloman, E. L. and M. C. Newman 2012. Expanding perceptions of subsistence fish consumption: Evidence of high commercial fish consumption and dietary mercury exposure in an urban coastal community. Science of the Total Environment 416: 111-120.
  23. Small, H. J., J. D. Shields, et al. 2012. Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Hematodinium perezi (Dinophyceae: Syndiniales), a Dinoflagellate Parasite of the Harbour Crab, Liocarcinus depurator. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 59(1): 54-66.
  24. Bateman, K. S., J. Munro, et al. 2012. Susceptibility of juvenile European lobster Homarus gammarus to shrimp products infected with high and low doses of white spot syndrome virus. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 100(2): 169-184.
  25. Caceres-Martinez, J., M. G. Ortega, et al. 2012. Natural and cultured populations of the mangrove oyster Saccostrea palmula from Sinaloa, Mexico, infected by Perkinsus marinus. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 110(3): 321-325.
  26. Small, H. J. 2012. Advances in our understanding of the global diversity and distribution of Hematodinium spp. - Significant pathogens of commercially exploited crustaceans. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 110(2): 234-246.
  27. Shields, J. D. 2012. The impact of pathogens on exploited populations of decapod crustaceans. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 110(2): 211-224.
  28. Shields, J. D., K. N. Wheeler, et al. 2012. The "100 Lobsters" Project: A Cooperative Demonstration Project for Health Assessments of Lobsters from Rhode Island. Journal of Shellfish Research 31(2): 431-438.
  29. Shields, J. D., K. N. Wheeler, et al. 2012. Histological Assessment of the Lobster (Homarus americanus) in the "100 Lobsters" Project. Journal of Shellfish Research 31(2): 439-447.
  30. Meres, N. J., C. C. Ajuzie, et al. 2012. Dysbiosis in Epizootic Shell Disease of the American Lobster (Homarus americanus). Journal of Shellfish Research 31(2): 463-472.
  31. Degremont, L., C. Garcia, et al. 2012. Triploid Oysters in the Chesapeake Bay: Comparison of Diploid and Triploid Crassostrea virginica. Journal of Shellfish Research 31(1): 21-31.
  32. Ribeiro, F. and P. M. Leunda 2012. Non-native fish impacts on Mediterranean freshwater ecosystems: current knowledge and research needs. Fisheries Management and Ecology 19(2): 142-156.
  33. Unger, M. A., C. R. Spier, et al. 2011. Near Real-Time, on-Site, Quantitative Analysis of PAHs in the Aqueous Environment Using an Antibody-Based Biosensor. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30(7): 1557-1563.
  34. Prosser, C. P., C. M., M. A. Unger, et al. 2011. Multistressor interactions in the zebrafish (Danio rerio): Concurrent phenanthrene exposure and Mycobacterium marinum infection. Aquatic Toxicology 102(3-4): 177-185.
  35. Ford, S. E., J. Paterno, et al. 2011. Widespread survey finds no evidence of Haplosporidium nelsoni (MSX) in Gulf of Mexico oysters. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 93(3): 251-256.
  36. Carnegie, R. B. and E. M. Burreson 2011. Declining impact of an introduced pathogen: Haplosporidium nelsoni in the oyster Crassostrea virginica in Chesapeake Bay. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 432: 1-15.
  37. Diaz, R. J. and R. Rosenberg 2011. Introduction to Environmental and Economic Consequences of Hypoxia. International Journal of Water Resources Development 27(1): 71-82.
  38. Shields, J. D. 2011. Diseases of spiny lobsters: A review. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 106(1): 79-91.
  39. Small, H. J. and K. M. Pagenkopp 2011. Reservoirs and alternate hosts for pathogens of commercially important crustaceans: A review. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 106(1): 153-164.
  40. Kaattari, S. L., J. M. Ye, et al. 2011. The differential dynamics of antibody subpopulation expression during affinity maturation in a teleost. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 30(1): 372-377.
  41. Li, C. W., K. N. Wheeler, et al. 2011. Lack of transmission of Hematodinium sp in the blue crab Callinectes sapidus through cannibalism. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 96(3): 249-258.
  42. Ye, J. M., E. Bromage, et al. 2011. Transduction of binding affinity by B lymphocytes: A new dimension in immunological regulation. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 35(9): 982-990.
  43. Li, C. W., T. L. Miller, et al. 2011. In vitro culture and developmental cycle of the parasitic dinoflagellate Hematodinium sp from the blue crab Callinectes sapidus. Parasitology 138(14): 1924-1934.
  44. Ye, J. M., I. Kaattari, et al. 2011. Plasmablasts and plasma cells: Reconsidering teleost immune system organization. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 35(12): 1273-1281.
  45. Spier, C. R., G. G. Vadas, et al. 2011. Near Real-Time, on-Site, Quantitative Analysis of PAHs in the Aqueous Environment Using an Antibody-Based Biosensor. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30(7): 1557-1563.
  46. Behringer, D. C., M. J. Butler, et al. 2011. Review of Panulirus argus virus 1-a decade after its discovery. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 94(2): 153-160.
  47. Prosser, C. M., M. A. Unger, et al. 2011. Multistressor interactions in the zebrafish (Danio rerio): Concurrent phenanthrene exposure and Mycobacterium marinum infection. Aquatic Toxicology 102(3-4): 177-185.
  48. Ye, J. M., I. M. Kaattari, et al. 2011. The differential dynamics of antibody subpopulation expression during affinity maturation in a teleost. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 30(1): 372-377.
  49. Ye, J. M., E. S. Bromage, et al. 2010. The Strength of B Cell Interaction with Antigen Determines the Degree of IgM Polymerization. Journal of Immunology 184(2): 844-850.
  50. Xu, W. J., J. J. Xie, et al. 2010. Hematodinium infections in cultured ridgetail white prawns, Exopalaemon carinicauda, in eastern China. Aquaculture 300(1-4): 25-31.
  51. Krugner-Higby, L., D. Haak, et al. 2010. Ulcerative disease outbreak in crayfish Orconectes propinquus linked to Saprolegnia australis in Big Muskellunge Lake, Wisconsin. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 91(1): 57-66.
  52. Southworth, M., J. M. Harding, et al. 2010. Oyster (Crassostrea Virginica, Gmelin 1791) Population Dynamics on Public Reefs in the Great Wicomico River, Virginia, USA. Journal of Shellfish Research 29(2): 271-290.
  53. Li, C. W., J. D. Shields, et al. 2010. Detection and quantification of the free-living stage of the parasitic dinoflagellate Hematodinium sp in laboratory and environmental samples. Harmful Algae 9(5): 515-521.
  54. Dieguez-Uribeondo, J., M. A. Garcia, et al. 2009. Phylogenetic relationships among plant and animal parasites, and saprotrophs in Aphanomyces (Oomycetes). Fungal Genetics and Biology 46(5): 365-376.
  55. Gauthier, D. T. and M. W. Rhodes 2009. Mycobacteriosis in fishes: A review. Veterinary Journal 180(1): 33-47.
  56. Spier, C. R., E. S. Bromage, et al. 2009. The development and evaluation of monoclonal antibodies for the detection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Analytical Biochemistry 387(2): 287-293.
  57. Suryan, R. M., V. S. Saba, et al. 2009. Environmental forcing on life history strategies: Evidence for multi-trophic level responses at ocean basin scales. Progress in Oceanography 81(1-4): 214-222.
  58. Reay, W. G. 2009. Water Quality within the York River Estuary. Journal of Coastal Research: 23-39.
  59. Iwanowicz, L. R., V. S. Blazer, et al. 2009. Aroclor 1248 exposure leads to immunomodulation, decreased disease resistance and endocrine disruption in the brown bullhead, Ameiurus nebulosus. Aquatic Toxicology 93(1): 70-82.
  60. Wang, J. H., H. Huang, et al. 2009. Enzyme-liked immunosorbent assay for the detection of pathogenic spiroplasma in commercially exploited crustaceans from China. Aquaculture 292(3-4): 166-171.
  61. Ford, S. E., N. A. Stokes, et al. 2009. Minchinia mercenariae n. sp (Haplosporidia) in the Hard Clam Mercenaria mercenaria: Implications of a Rare Parasite in a Commercially Important Host. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 56(6): 542-551.
  62. Audemard, C., R. B. Carnegie, et al. 2008. Interacting effects of temperature and salinity on Bonamia sp. parasitism in the Asian oyster Crassostrea ariakensis. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 98(3): 344-350.
  63. Carnegie, R. B., N. A. Stokes, et al. 2008. Strong seasonality of Bonamia sp. infection and induced Crassostrea ariakensis mortality in Bogue and Masonboro Sounds, North Carolina, USA. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 98(3): 335-343.
  64. Gauthier, D. T., R. J. Latour, et al. 2008. Mycobacteriosis-associated mortality in wild striped bass (Morone saxatilis) from Chesapeake Bay, U.S.A. Ecological Applications 18(7): 1718-1727.
  65. Harding, J. M., R. Mann, et al. 2008. Shell Length-at-Age Relationships in James River, Virginia, Oysters (Crassostrea Virginica) Collected Four Centuries Apart. Journal of Shellfish Research 27(5): 1109-1115.
  66. Gast, R. J., D. M. Moran, et al. 2008. Environmental distribution and persistence of Quahog Parasite Unknown (QPX). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 81(3): 219-229.
  67. Bromage, E., W. C. Long, et al. 2008. Biomarkers of oogenesis in Macoma balthica determined by subtractive immunization. Aquatic Biology 3(2): 139-145.
  68. Audemard, C., R. B. Carnegie, et al. 2008. Shellfish tissues evaluated for Perkinsus spp. using the Ray's fluid thioglycollate medium culture assay can be used for downstream molecular assays. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 80(3): 235-239.
  69. Butler, M. J., D. C. Behringer, et al. 2008. Transmission of Panulirus argus virus 1 (PaV1) and its effect on the survival of juvenile Caribbean spiny lobster. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 79(3): 173-182.
  70. Paynter, K. T., J. D. Goodwin, et al. 2008. Crassostrea ariakensis in Chesapeake Bay: Growth, disease and mortality in shallow subtidal environments. Journal of Shellfish Research 27(3): 509-515.
  71. Behringer, D. C., M. J. Butler, et al. 2008. Ecological and physiological effects of PaV1 infection on the Caribbean spiny lobster (Panuhrus argus Latreille). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 359(1): 26-33.
  72. Shearn-Bochsler, V., D. E. Green, et al. 2008. Cutaneous and diphtheritic avian poxvirus infection in a nestling Southern Giant Petrel (Macronectes giganteus) from Antarctica. Polar Biology 31(5): 569-573.
  73. Li, C. W., J. D. Shields, et al. 2008. Pathology and hematology of the Caribbean spiny lobster experimentally infected with Panulirus argus virus 1 (PaV1). Virus Research 132(1-2): 104-113.
  74. Moss, J. A., J. Xiao, et al. 2008. Description of Perkinsus beihaiensis n sp, a new Perkinsus sp parasite in oysters of southern China. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 55(2): 117-130.
  75. Bromage, E. S., G. G. Vadas, et al. 2007. Validation of an antibody-based biosensor for rapid quantification of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) contamination in ground water and river water. Environmental Science & Technology 41(20): 7067-7072.
  76. Small, H. J., J. D. Shields, et al. 2007. Conservation in the first internal transcribed spacer region (ITS1) in Hematodinium species infecting crustacean hosts found in the UK and Newfoundland. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 75(3): 251-258.
  77. Encomio, V. G. and F. L. E. Chu 2007. Heat shock protein (hsp70) expression and thermal tolerance in sublethally heat-shocked eastern oysters Crassostrea virginica infected with the parasite Perkinsus marinus. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 76(3): 251-260.
  78. Bromage, E. S. and S. L. Kaattari 2007. Simultaneous quantitative analysis of multiple protein species within a single sample using standard scanning densitometry. Journal of Immunological Methods 323(2): 109-113.
  79. Dungan, C. F., K. S. Reece, et al. 2007. Experimental cross-infections by Perkinsus marinus and P. chesapeaki in three sympatric species of Chesapeake Bay oysters and clams. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 76(1): 67-75.
  80. Wheeler, K., J. D. Shields, et al. 2007. Pathology of Hematodinium infections in snow crabs (Chionoecetes opilio) from Newfoundland, Canada. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 95(2): 93-100.
  81. Bromage, E. S., T. Lackie, et al. 2007. The development of a real-time biosensor for the detection of trace levels of trinitrotoluene (TNT) in aquatic environments. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 22(11): 2532-2538.
  82. Calvo, L. M. R., S. E. Ford, et al. 2007. Influence of host genetic origin and geographic location on QPX disease in Northern quahogs (=hard clams), Mercenaria mercenaria. Journal of Shellfish Research 26(1): 109-119.
  83. Small, H. J., J. D. Shields, et al. 2007. Molecular detection of Hematodinium sp infecting the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus. Journal of Shellfish Research 26(1): 131-139.
  84. Delaporte, M., F. L. Chu, et al. 2007. Changes in biochemical and hemocyte parameters of the pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas fed T-Iso supplemented with lipid emulsions rich in eicosapentaenoic acid. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 343(2): 261-275.
  85. Van Dover, C. L., M. E. Ward, et al. 2007. A fungal epizootic in mussels at a deep-sea hydrothermal vent. Marine Ecology-an Evolutionary Perspective 28(1): 54-62.
  86. Nunan, L. M., D. V. Lightner, et al. 2007. Characterization of a rediscovered haplosporidian parasite from cultured Penaeus vannamei. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 74(1): 67-75.
  87. Small, H. J., J. D. Shields, et al. 2007. Differences in enzyme activities between two species of Hematodinium, parasitic dinoflagellates of crustaceans. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 94(3): 175-183.
  88. Li, C. W. and J. D. Shields 2007. Primary culture of hemocytes from the Caribbean spiny lobster, Panulirus argus, and their susceptibility to Panulirus argus Virus 1 (PaV1). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 94(1): 48-55.
  89. Moss, J. A., E. M. Burreson, et al. 2007. Pathogens in Crassostrea ariakensis and other Asian oyster species: implications for non-native oyster introduction to Chesapeake Bay. Dis Aquat Organ 77(3): 207-23.
  90. Li, C. W., J. D. Shields, et al. 2006. Detection of Panulirus argus Virus 1 (PaV1) in the Caribbean spiny lobster using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 72(3): 185-192.
  91. Burreson, E. M. and K. S. Reece 2006. Spore ornamentation of Haplosporidium nelsoni and Haplosporidium costale (Haplosporidia), and incongruence of molecular phylogeny and spore ornamentation in the haplosporidia. Journal of Parasitology 92(6): 1295-1301.
  92. Brown, G. D., I. M. Kaattari, et al. 2006. Two new Ig VH gene families in Oncorhynchus mykiss. Immunogenetics 58(11): 933-936.
  93. Ranger, B. S., E. A. Mahrous, et al. 2006. Globally distributed mycobacterial fish pathogens produce a novel plasmid-encoded toxic macrolide, mycolactone F. Infection and Immunity 74(11): 6037-6045.
  94. Chu, F. L. E. and E. D. Lund 2006. Viability, infectivity and fatty acid synthetic activity of Perkinsus marinus meront cells incubated in estuarine and artificial seawater. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 71(2): 131-139.
  95. Haines, A. N., M. F. Flajnik, et al. 2006. Histology and immunology of the placenta in the Atlantic sharpnose shark, Rhizoprionodon terraenovae. Placenta 27(11-12): 1114-1123.
  96. Dungan, C. F. and K. S. Reece 2006. In vitro propagation of two Perkinsus spp. Parasites from japanese manila clams Venerupis philippinarum and description of Perkinsus honshuensis n. Sp. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 53(5): 316-326.
  97. Audemard, C., L. M. R. Calvo, et al. 2006. Real-time PCR investigation of parasite ecology: in situ determination of oyster parasite Perkinsus marinus transmission dynamics in lower Chesapeake Bay. Parasitology 132: 827-842.
  98. Azevedo, C., P. Balseiro, et al. 2006. Ultrastructural and molecular characterization of Haplosporidium montforti n. sp., parasite of the European abalone Haliotis tuberculata. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 92(1): 23-32.
  99. Behringer, D. C., M. J. Butler, et al. 2006. Avoidance of disease by social lobsters. Nature 441(7092): 421-421.
  100. Moss, J. A., E. M. Burreson, et al. 2006. Advanced Perkinsus marinus infections in Crassostrea ariakensis maintained under laboratory conditions. Journal of Shellfish Research 25(1): 65-72.
  101. Vandersea, M. W., R. W. Litaker, et al. 2006. Molecular assays for detecting Aphanomyces invadans in ulcerative mycotic fish lesions. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72(2): 1551-1557.
  102. Bromage, E. S., J. M. Ye, et al. 2006. Antibody structural variation in rainbow trout fluids. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B-Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 143(1): 61-69.
  103. Orth, R. J., M. L. Luckenbach, et al. 2006. Seagrass recovery in the Delmarva Coastal Bays, USA. Aquatic Botany 84(1): 26-36.
  104. Chu, F.-L. E., E. D. Lund, et al. 2006. Effects of triclosan on the oyster parasite, Perkinsus marinus and its host, the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica: A comparision at different temperatures. 98 Annual Meeting National Shellfisheries Association, Monterey, CA (USA), 26-30 Mar 2006
  105. Journal of Shellfish Research 25(2): 719.
  106. Degremont, L., S. K. Allen, Jr, et al. 2006. Survival and growth of Crassostrea virginica lines in Chesapeake and Delaware bays. 98 Annual Meeting National Shellfisheries Association, Monterey, CA (USA), 26-30 Mar 2006
  107. Journal of Shellfish Research 25(2): 722.
  108. Lund, E. D., F.-L. E. Chu, et al. 2006. Does Perkinsus marinus secrete eicosanoids? 98 Annual Meeting National Shellfisheries Association, Monterey, CA (USA), 26-30 Mar 2006
  109. Journal of Shellfish Research 25(2): 750.
  110. Mann, R., M. Southworth, et al. 2006. Age-specific mortality rates and causes of mortality in natural oyster, Crassostrea virginica, populations. 98 Annual Meeting National Shellfisheries Association, Monterey, CA (USA), 26-30 Mar 2006
  111. Journal of Shellfish Research 25(2): 751.
  112. Kaattari, I. M., M. W. Rhodes, et al. 2006. Review: The evolving story of Mycobacterium tuberculosis clade members detected in fish. Journal of Fish Diseases 29(9): 509-520.
  113. Li, C., J. D. Shields, et al. 2006. Detection of Panulirus argus Virus 1 (PaVI) in the Caribbean spiny lobster using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 72(3): 185-92.
  114. Kaattari, I. M., M. W. Rhodes, et al. 2005. Comparative analysis of mycobacterial infections in wild striped bass Morone saxatilis from Chesapeake Bay. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 67(1-2): 125-132.
  115. Lund, E. D., P. Soudant, et al. 2005. Effects of triclosan on growth, viability and fatty acid synthesis of the oyster protozoan parasite Perkinsus marinus. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 67(3): 217-224.
  116. Small, H. J., D. M. Neil, et al. 2005. Identification and partial characterisation of metalloproteases secreted by a Mesanophrys-like ciliate parasite of the Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 67(3): 225-231.
  117. Soudant, P., F. L. E. Chu, et al. 2005. Assessment of the cell viability of cultured Perkinsus marinus (Perkinsea), a parasitic protozoan of the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, using SYBRgreen-propidium iodide double staining and flow cytometry. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 52(6): 492-499.
  118. Van Veld, P. A., B. J. Rutan, et al. 2005. A universal assay for vitellogenin in fish mucus and plasma. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(12): 3048-3052.
  119. Stentiford, G. D. and J. D. Shields 2005. A review of the parasitic dinoflagellates Hematodinium species and Hematodinium-like infections in marine crustaceans. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 66(1): 47-70.
  120. Kiryu, Y., V. S. Blazer, et al. 2005. Factors influencing the sporulation and cyst formation of Aphanomyces invadans, etiological agent of ulcerative mycosis in Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus. Mycologia 97(3): 569-575.
  121. Cremonte, F., A. Figueras, et al. 2005. A histopathological survey of some commercially exploited bivalve molluscs in northern Patagonia, Argentina. Aquaculture 249(1-4): 23-33.
  122. Earnhart, C. G. and S. L. Kaattari 2005. Potential novel epitopes in the extracellular products of oyster homogenate-supplemented Perkinsus marinus cells are not detected by subtractive immunization. Journal of Parasitology 91(3): 689-691.
  123. Rhodes, M. W., H. Kator, et al. 2005. Mycobacterium pseudoshottsii sp nov., a slowly growing chromogenic species isolated from Chesapeake Bay striped bass (Morone saxatilis). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 55: 1139-1147.
  124. Kaattari, S., E. Bromage, et al. 2005. Analysis of long-lived plasma cell production and regulation: Implications for vaccine design for aquaculture. Aquaculture 246(1-4): 1-9.
  125. Encomio, V. G., S. M. Stickler, et al. 2005. Performance of "natural dermo-resistant" oyster stocks-survival, disease, growth, condition and energy reserves. Journal of Shellfish Research 24(1): 143-155.
  126. Meyer, G. R., S. M. Bower, et al. 2005. Sensitivity of a digoxigenin-labelled DNA probe in detecting Mikrocytos mackini, causative agent of Denman Island disease (mikrocytosis), in oysters. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 88(2): 89-94.
  127. Earnhart, C. G., D. T. Gauthier, et al. 2005. Monoclonal antibody analysis of Perkinsus marinus extracellular products. International Journal for Parasitology 35(2): 171-184.
  128. Ward, M. E., J. D. Shields, et al. 2004. Parasitism in species of Bathymodiolus (Bivalvia : Mytilidae) mussels from deep-sea seep and hydrothermal vents. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 62(1-2): 1-16.
  129. Rhodes, M. W., H. Kator, et al. 2004. Isolation and characterization of mycobacteria from striped bass Morone saxatilis from the Chesapeake Bay. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 61(1-2): 41-51.
  130. Audemard, C., M. C. Sajus, et al. 2004. Infection dynamics of Marteilia refringens in flat oyster Ostrea edulis and copepod Paracartia grani in a claire pond of Marennes-Oleron Bay. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 61(1-2): 103-111.
  131. Carnegie, R. B. and N. Cochennec-Laureau 2004. Microcell parasites of oysters: Recent insights and future trends. Aquatic Living Resources 17(4): 519-528.
  132. Bromage, E. S., I. M. Kaattari, et al. 2004. Plasmablast and plasma cell production and distribution in trout immune tissues. Journal of Immunology 173(12): 7317-7323.
  133. Mansfield, L. S. and D. T. Gauthier 2004. Lymphoglandular complexes are important colonic sites for immunoglobulin A induction against Campylobacter jejuni in a swine disease model. Comparative Medicine 54(5): 514-523.
  134. Burge, E. J., D. T. Gauthier, et al. 2004. In vitro response of the striped bass natural resistance-associated macrophage protein, Nramp, to LPS and Mycobacterium marinum exposure. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology 138(3): 391-400.
  135. Audemard, C., K. S. Reece, et al. 2004. Real-time PCR for detection and quantification of the protistan parasite Perkinsus marinus in environmental waters. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70(11): 6611-6618.
  136. Reece, K. S., M. E. Siddall, et al. 2004. Molecular phylogeny of the Haplosporidia based on two independent gene sequences. Journal of Parasitology 90(5): 1111-1122.
  137. Xue, Q. G., K. L. Schey, et al. 2004. Purification and characterization of lysozyme from plasma of the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B-Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 139(1): 11-25.
  138. Southworth, M. and R. Mann 2004. Decadal scale changes in seasonal patterns of oyster recruitment in the Virginia sub estuaries of the Chesapeake Bay. Journal of Shellfish Research 23(2): 391-402.
  139. Burreson, E. M., N. A. Stokes, et al. 2004. Bonamia sp (Haplosporidia) found in nonnative oysters Crassostrea ariakensis in Bogue Sound, North Carolina. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 16(1): 1-9.
  140. Lund, E. D., F. L. E. Chu, et al. 2004. In vitro effects of temperature and salinity on fatty acid synthesis in the oyster protozoan parasite Perkinsus marinus. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 307(1): 111-126.
  141. Shields, J. D. and D. C. Behringer 2004. A new pathogenic virus in the Caribbean spiny lobster Panulirus argus from the Florida Keys. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 59(2): 109-118.
  142. Johnson, R. A., J. Zabrecky, et al. 2004. Infection experiments with Aphanomyces invadans in four species of estuarine fish. Journal of Fish Diseases 27(5): 287-295.
  143. Bromage, E. S., J. M. Ye, et al. 2004. Use of staphylococcal protein A in the analysis of teleost immunoglobulin structural diversity. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 28(7-8): 803-814.
  144. Burge, E. J., D. T. Gauthier, et al. 2004. Mycobacterium-inducible Nramp in striped bass (Morone saxatilis). Infection and Immunity 72(3): 1626-1636.
  145. Earnhart, C. G., M. A. Vogelbein, et al. 2004. Supplementation of Perkinsus marinus cultures with host plasma or tissue homogenate enhances their infectivity. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70(1): 421-431.
  146. Chu, F. L. E., P. Soudant, et al. 2003. Perkinsus marinus, a protozoan parasite of the Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica): effects of temperature on the uptake and metabolism of fluorescent lipid analogs and lipase activities. Experimental Parasitology 105(2): 121-130.
  147. MacIntyre, E. A., C. G. Earnhart, et al. 2003. Host oyster tissue extracts modulate in vitro protease expression and cellular differentiation in the protozoan parasite, Perkinsus marinus. Parasitology 126: 293-302.
  148. Calvo, L. M. R., C. F. Dungan, et al. 2003. Systematic evaluation of factors controlling Perkinsus marinus transmission dynamics in lower Chesapeake Bay. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 56(1): 75-86.
  149. Shields, J. D. 2003. Research priorities for diseases of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus. Bulletin of Marine Science 72(2): 505-517.
  150. Carnegie, R. B., B. J. Barber, et al. 2003. Detection of the oyster parasite Bonamia ostreae by fluorescent in situ hybridization. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 55(3): 247-252.
  151. Earnhart, C. G. and S. L. Kaattari 2003. The humoral response to in vitro generated parasite antigens is enhanced by the removal of a defined media component prior to immunization. Journal of Immunological Methods 278(1-2): 67-78.
  152. Anderson, R. S., B. S. Kraus, et al. 2003. A thraustochytrid protist isolated from Mercenaria mercenaria: molecular characterization and host defense responses. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 15(3): 183-194.
  153. Cochennec-Laureau, N., K. S. Reece, et al. 2003. Mikrocytos roughleyi taxonomic affiliation leads to the genus Bonamia (Haplosporidia). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 54(3): 209-217.
  154. Carnegie, R. B., G. R. Meyer, et al. 2003. Molecular detection of the oyster parasite Mikrocytos mackini, and a preliminary phylogenetic analysis. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 54(3): 219-227.
  155. Gauthier, D. T., M. W. Rhodes, et al. 2003. Experimental mycobacteriosis in striped bass Morone saxatilis. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 54(2): 105-117.
  156. Kiryu, Y., J. D. Shields, et al. 2003. Infectivity and pathogenicity of the oomycete Aphanomyces invadans in Atlantic menhaden Brevoortia tyrannus. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 54(2): 135-146.
  157. Pestal, G. P., D. M. Taylor, et al. 2003. Monitoring the prevalence of the parasitic dinoflagellate Hematodinium sp in snow crabs Chionoecetes opilio from Conception Bay, Newfoundland. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 53(1): 67-75.
  158. Reece, K. S. and N. A. Stokes 2003. Molecular analysis of a haplosporidian parasite from cultured New Zealand abalone Haliotis iris. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 53(1): 61-66.
  159. Casas, S. M., J. F. La Peyre, et al. 2002. Continuous in vitro culture of the carpet shell clam Tapes decussatus protozoan parasite Perkinsus atlanticus. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 52(3): 217-231.
  160. Stokes, N. A., L. M. R. Calvo, et al. 2002. Molecular diagnostics, field validation, and phylogenetic analysis of Quahog Parasite Unknown (QPX), a pathogen of the hard clam Mercenaria mercenaria. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 52(3): 233-247.
  161. Thorgaard, G. H., G. S. Bailey, et al. 2002. Status and opportunities for genomics research with rainbow trout. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B-Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 133(4): 609-646.
  162. Cruz-Rodriguez, L. A. and F. L. E. Chu 2002. Heat-shock protein (HSP70) response in the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, exposed to PAHs sorbed to suspended artificial clay particles and to suspended field contaminated sediments. Aquatic Toxicology 60(3-4): 157-168.
  163. Dungan, C. F., R. M. Hamilton, et al. 2002. Two epizootic diseases in Chesapeake Bay commercial clams, Mya arenaria and Tagelus plebeius. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 50(1): 67-78.
  164. Hoenig, J. M., R. C. Hanumara, et al. 2002. Generalizing double and triple sampling for repeated surveys and partial verification. Biometrical Journal 44(5): 603-618.
  165. Sunila, I., N. A. Stokes, et al. 2002. Haplosporidium costale (seaside organism), a parasite of the eastern oyster, is present in Long Island Sound. Journal of Shellfish Research 21(1): 113-118.
  166. Lund, E. D. and F. L. E. Chu 2002. Phospholipid biosynthesis in the oyster protozoan parasite, Perkinsus marinus. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 121(2): 245-253.
  167. Blazer, V. S., J. H. Lilley, et al. 2002. Aphanomyces invadans in Atlantic menhaden along the East Coast of the United States. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 14(1): 1-10.
  168. Kiryu, Y., J. D. Shields, et al. 2002. Induction of skin ulcers in Atlantic menhaden by injection and aqueous exposure to the zoospores of Aphanomyces invadans. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 14(1): 11-24.
  169. Kaattari, S. L., H. L. L. Zhang, et al. 2002. Affinity maturation in trout: clonal dominance of high affinity antibodies late in the immune response. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 26(2): 191-200.
  170. Chu, F. L. E., A. K. Volety, et al. 2002. Cellular responses and disease expression in oysters (Crassostrea virginica) exposed to suspended field - contaminated sediments. Marine Environmental Research 53(1): 17-35.
  171. Chu, F. L., A. K. Volety, et al. 2002. Cellular responses and disease expression in oysters (Crassostrea virginica) exposed to suspended field contaminated sediments. Mar Environ Res 53(1): 17-35. S0141-1136(01)00104-0 [pii]
  172. Reece, K. S., D. Bushek, et al. 2001. Geographic distribution of Perkinsus marinus genetic strains along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the USA. Marine Biology 139(6): 1047-1055.
  173. Rhodes, M. W., H. Kator, et al. 2001. A unique Mycobacterium species isolated from an epizootic of striped bass (Morone saxatilis). Emerging Infectious Diseases 7(5): 896-899.
  174. Vogelbein, W. K., J. D. Shields, et al. 2001. Skin ulcers in estuarine fishes: A comparative pathological evaluation of wild and laboratory-exposed fish. Environmental Health Perspectives 109: 687-693.
  175. Stokes, N. A. and E. M. Burreson 2001. Differential diagnosis of mixed Haplosporidium costale and Haplosporidium nelsoni infections in the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, using DNA probes. Journal of Shellfish Research 20(1): 207-213.
  176. Calvo, L. M. R., R. L. Wetzel, et al. 2001. Development and verification of a model for the population dynamics of the protistan parasite, Perkinsus marinus, within its host, the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in Chesapeake Bay. Journal of Shellfish Research 20(1): 231-241.
  177. Ottinger, C. A., T. D. Lewis, et al. 2001. Detection of Perkinsus marinus extracellular proteins in tissues of the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica: Potential use in diagnostic assays. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 13(2): 133-141.
  178. Soudant, P. and F. L. E. Chu 2001. Lipid class and fatty acid composition of the protozoan parasite of oysters, Perkinsus marinus cultivated in two different media. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 48(3): 309-319.
  179. Rose, W. L., B. L. French, et al. 2001. Persistence of benzo[a]pyrene-DNA adducts in hematopoietic tissues and blood of the mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus. Aquatic Toxicology 52(3-4): 319-328.
  180. Messick, G. A. and J. D. Shields 2000. Epizootiology of the parasitic dinoflagellate Hematodinium sp in the American blue crab Callinectes sapidus. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 43(2): 139-152.
  181. Oliver, J. L., P. M. Gaffney, et al. 2000. Protease inhibitory activity in selectively bred families of eastern oysters. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 12(2): 136-145.
  182. McLaughlin, S. M., E. E. Elsayed, et al. 2000. Analysis of extracellular proteins of two Perkinsus spp. isolated from the softshell clam Mya arenaria in vitro. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B-Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 126(4): 587-598.
  183. Volety, A. K., F. O. Perkins, et al. 2000. Progression of diseases caused by the oyster parasites, Perkinsus marinus and Haplosporidium nelsoni, in Crassostrea virginica on constructed intertidal reefs. Journal of Shellfish Research 19(1): 341-347.
  184. McLaughlin, S. M., B. D. Tall, et al. 2000. Zoosporulation of a new Perkinsus species isolated from the gills of the softshell clam Mya arenaria. Parasite-Journal De La Societe Francaise De Parasitologie 7(2): 115-122.
  185. Ottinger, C. A. and S. L. Kaattari 2000. Long-term immune dysfunction in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed as embryos to aflatoxin B-1. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 10(1): 101-106.
  186. Friedman, C. S., K. B. Andree, et al. 2000. 'Candidatus xenohaliotis californiensis', a newly described pathogen of abalone, Haliotis spp., along the west coast of North America. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 50: 847-855.
  187. Bushek, D., R. A. Holley, et al. 2000. Use of micromanipulation and "feeder layers" to clone the oyster pathogen Perkinsus marinus. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 47(2): 164-166.
  188. Shields, J. D. and C. M. Squyars 2000. Mortality and hematology of blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, experimentally infected with the parasitic dinoflagellate Hematodinium perezi. Fishery Bulletin 98(1): 139-152.
  189. Ottinger, C. A. and S. L. Kaattari 2000. Long-term immune dysfunction in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed as embryos to aflatoxin B1. Fish Shellfish Immunol 10(1): 101-6. S1050-4648(99)90227-9 [pii]
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  192. Kaattari, S. L., J. V. Klemer, et al. 1999. Teleost antibody structure: Simple prototype or elegant alternative? Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists 19(6): 245-249.
  193. Faisal, M., J. L. Oliver, et al. 1999. Potential role of protease-antiprotease interactions in Perkinsus marinus infection in Crassostrea spp. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists 19(6): 269-276.
  194. Calvo, G. W., M. W. Luckenbach, et al. 1999. Comparative field study of Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793) and Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin, 1791) in relation to salinity in Virginia. Journal of Shellfish Research 18(2): 465-473.
  195. Chu, F. L. E. 1999. Effects of field-contaminated sediments and related water soluble components on haemocyte function and Perkinsus marinus susceptibility and expression in oysters. Biomarkers 4(6): 537-548.
  196. Oliver, J. L., T. D. Lewis, et al. 1999. Analysis of the effects of Perkinsus marinus proteases on plasma proteins of the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) and the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 74(2): 173-183.
  197. Faisal, M., D. Y. Schafhauser, et al. 1999. Isolation and characterization of Perkinsus marinus proteases using bacitracin-sepharose affinity chromatography. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B-Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 123(4): 417-426.
  198. Wiens, G. D., M. S. Chien, et al. 1999. Antigenic and functional characterization of p57 produced by Renibacterium salmoninarum. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 37(1): 43-52.
  199. Shaheen, A. A., E. Elsayed, et al. 1999. Isolation of Aphanomyces sp(p). associated with skin lesions and mortalities in the striped (Mugil cephalus) and the thin lip (Liza ramada) grey mullets. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists 19(2): 79-82.
  200. McLaughlin, S. M. and M. Faisal 1999. A comparison of diagnostic assays for detection of Perkinsus spp. in the softshell clam Mya arenaria. Aquaculture 172(1-2): 197-204.
  201. Cooper, P. S., W. K. Vogelbein, et al. 1999. Altered expression of the xenobiotic transporter P-glycoprotein in liver and liver tumours of mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) from a creosote-contaminated environment. Biomarkers 4(1): 48-58.
  202. Kaattari, S., D. Evans, et al. 1998. Varied redox forms of teleost IgM: an alternative to isotypic diversity? Immunological Reviews 166: 133-142.
  203. McLaughlin, S. M. and M. Faisal 1998. In vitro propagation of two Perkinsus species from the softshell clam Mya arenaria. Parasite-Journal De La Societe Francaise De Parasitologie 5(4): 341-348.
  204. Faisal, M., E. A. MacIntyre, et al. 1998. Evidence for the presence of protease inhibitors in eastern (Crassostrea virginica) and Pacific (Crassostrea gigas) oysters. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B-Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 121(2): 161-168.
  205. Evans, D. A., J. Klemer, et al. 1998. Heuristic models of the intermonomeric disulfide bonding process. Journal of Theoretical Biology 195(4): 505-524.
  206. Oliver, L. M., W. S. Fisher, et al. 1998. Perkinsus marinus tissue distribution and seasonal variation in oysters Crassostrea virginica from Florida, Virginia and New York. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 34(1): 51-61.
  207. Ottinger, C. A. and S. L. Kaattari 1998. Sensitivity of rainbow trout leucocytes to aflatoxin B-1. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 8(7): 515-530.
  208. Anderson, R. S., L. L. Brubacher, et al. 1998. Effects of tributyltin and hypoxia on the progression of Perkinsus marinus infections and host defence mechanisms in oyster, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin). Journal of Fish Diseases 21(5): 371-379.
  209. McLaughlin, S. M. and M. Faisal 1998. Histopathological alterations associated with Perkinsus spp. infection in the softshell clam Mya arenaria. Parasite-Journal De La Societe Francaise De Parasitologie 5(3): 263-271.
  210. Calvo, L. M. R., J. G. Walker, et al. 1998. Prevalence and distribution of QPX, Quahog Parasite Unknown, in hard clams Mercenaria mercenaria in Virginia, USA. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 33(3): 209-219.
  211. Williams, S. L. and R. J. Orth 1998. Genetic diversity and structure of natural and transplanted eelgrass populations in the Chesapeake and Chincoteague bays. Estuaries 21(1): 118-128.
  212. Smolowitz, R., D. Leavitt, et al. 1998. Observations of a protistan disease similar to QPX in Mercenaria mercenaria (hard clams) from the coast of Massachusetts. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 71(1): 9-25.
  213. Ford, S. E., R. Smolowitz, et al. 1997. Evidence that QPX (Quahog Parasite Unknown) is not present in hatchery-produced hard clam seed. Journal of Shellfish Research 16(2): 519-521.
  214. Anderson, R. S., L. L. Brubacher, et al. 1997. Effect of in vitro exposure to tributyltin on generation of oxygen metabolites by oyster hemocytes. Environmental Research 74(1): 84-90.
  215. Kaattari, S. L. and J. D. Piganelli 1997. Immunization with bacterial antigens: Bacterial kidney disease. Fish Vaccinology 90: 145-152.
  216. Reece, K. S., D. Bushek, et al. 1997. Molecular markers for population genetic analysis of Perkinsus marinus. Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology 6(3): 197-206.
  217. Chu, F. L. E. and A. K. Volety 1997. Disease processes of the parasite Perkinsus marinus in eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica: Minimum dose for infection initiation, and interaction of temperature, salinity and infective cell dose. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 28(1): 61-68.
  218. VanVeld, P. A., W. K. Vogelbein, et al. 1997. Route-specific cellular expression of cytochrome P4501A (CYP1A) in fish (Fundulus heteroclitus) following exposure to aqueous and dietary benzo[a]pyrene. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 142(2): 348-359.
  219. Moore, K. A., H. A. Neckles, et al. 1996. Zostera marina (eelgrass) growth and survival along a gradient of nutrients and turbidity in the lower Chesapeake Bay. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 142(1-3): 247-259.
  220. Flano, E., S. L. Kaattari, et al. 1996. Histopathology of the thymus of coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch experimentally infected with Renibacterium salmoninarum. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 26(1): 11-18.
  221. Chu, F. L. E., A. K. Volety, et al. 1996. A comparison of Crassostrea gigas and Crassostrea virginica: Effects of temperature and salinity on susceptibility to the protozoan parasite, Perkinsus marinus. Journal of Shellfish Research 15(2): 375-380.
  222. Perkins, F. O. 1996. Shell disease in the gold lip pearl oyster, Pinctada maxima and the Eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica. Aquatic Living Resources 9(2): 159-168.
  223. Wood, P. A. and S. L. Kaattari 1996. Enhanced immunogenicity of Renibacterium salmoninarum in chinook salmon after removal of the bacterial cell surface-associated 57 kDa protein. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 25(1-2): 71-79.
  224. Chu, F. L. E., E. M. Burreson, et al. 1996. An unidentified haplosporidian parasite of bay scallop Argopecten irradians cultured in the Shandong and Liaoning provinces of China. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 25(1-2): 155-158.
  225. Andrews, J. D. 1996. History of Perkinsus marinus, a pathogen of oysters in Chesapeake Bay 1950-1984. Journal of Shellfish Research 15(1): 13-16.
  226. Burreson, E. M. and L. M. R. Calvo 1996. Epizootiology of Perkinsus marinus disease of oysters in Chesapeake Bay, with emphasis on data since 1985. Journal of Shellfish Research 15(1): 17-34.
  227. Chu, F. L. E. 1996. Laboratory investigations of susceptibility, infectivity, and transmission of Perkinsus marinus in oysters. Journal of Shellfish Research 15(1): 57-66.
  228. Perkins, F. O. 1996. The structure of Perkinsus marinus (Mackin, Owen and Collier, 1950) Levine, 1978 with comments on taxonomy and phylogeny of Perkinsus spp. Journal of Shellfish Research 15(1): 67-87.
  229. LaPeyre, J. F. 1996. Propagation and in vitro studies of Perkinsus marinus. Journal of Shellfish Research 15(1): 89-101.
  230. Flano, E., P. LopezFierro, et al. 1996. Histopathology of the renal and splenic haemopoietic tissues of coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch experimentally infected with Renibacterium salmoninarum. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 24(2): 107-115.
  231. Siddall, M. E., D. S. Martin, et al. 1995. The demise of a phylum of protists: Phylogeny of myxozoa and other parasitic cnidaria. Journal of Parasitology 81(6): 961-967.
  232. Stokes, N. A., M. E. Siddall, et al. 1995. Detection of Haplosporidium nelsoni (Haplosporidia, Haplosporidiidae) in Oysters by PCR Amplification. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 23(2): 145-152.
  233. Anderson, R. S., E. M. Burreson, et al. 1995. Defense Responses of Hemocytes Withdrawn from Crassostrea virginica Infected with Perkinsus marinus. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 66(1): 82-89.
  234. Stokes, N. A., M. E. Siddall, et al. 1995. Detection of Haplosporidium-Nelsoni (Haplosporidia, Haplosporidiidae) in Oysters by PCR Amplification. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 23(2): 145-152.
  235. Anderson, R. S., E. M. Burreson, et al. 1995. Defense Responses of Hemocytes Withdrawn from Crassostrea-Virginica Infected with Perkinsus-Marinus. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 66(1): 82-89.
  236. La Peyre, J. F., F. L. Chu, et al. 1995. In vitro interaction of Perkinsus marinus merozoites with eastern and Pacific oyster hemocytes. Dev Comp Immunol 19(4): 291-304. 0145-305X(95)00017-N [pii]
  237. Stokes, N. A. and E. M. Burreson 1995. A sensitive and specific DNA probe for the oyster pathogen Haplosporidium nelsoni. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 42(4): 350-7.
  238. Volety, A. K. and F. L. E. Chu 1994. Comparison of Infectivity and Pathogenicity of Meront (Trophozoite) and Prezoosporangiae Stages of the Oyster Pathogen Perkinsus marinus in Eastern Oysters, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin, 1791). Journal of Shellfish Research 13(2): 521-527.
  239. Burreson, E. M., R. S. Alvarez, et al. 1994. Perkinsus marinus (Apicomplexa) as a Potential Source of Oyster Crassostrea virginica Mortality in Coastal Lagoons of Tabasco, Mexico. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 20(1): 77-82.
  240. Burreson, E. M., L. M. R. Calvo, et al. 1994. Acute Osmotic Tolerance of Cultured-Cells of the Oyster Pathogen Perkinsus marinus (Apicomplexa, Perkinsida). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-Physiology 109(3): 575-582.
  241. Rhodes, M. W. and H. Kator 1994. Seasonal Occurrence of Mesophilic Aeromonas Spp as a Function of Biotype and Water-Quality in Temperate Fresh-Water Lakes. Water Research 28(11): 2241-2251.
  242. Kellyreay, K. and B. A. Weeksperkins 1994. Determination of the Macrophage Chemiluminescent Response in Fundulus heteroclitus as a Function of Pollution Stress. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 4(2): 95-102.
  243. Calvo, G. W. and E. M. Burreson 1994. In-Vitro and in-Vivo Effects of 8 Chemotherapeutants on the Oyster Parasite Perkinsus marinus (Mackin, Owen, and Collier). Journal of Shellfish Research 13(1): 101-107.
  244. Barber, B. J. and R. Mann 1994. Growth and Mortality of Eastern Oysters, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin, 1791), and Pacific Oysters, Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793) under Challenge from the Parasite, Perkinsus marinus. Journal of Shellfish Research 13(1): 109-114.
  245. Calvo, L. M. R. and E. M. Burreson 1994. Characterization of Overwintering Infections of Perkinsus marinus (Apicomplexa) in Chesapeake Bay Oysters. Journal of Shellfish Research 13(1): 123-130.
  246. Volety, A. K. and F. L. E. Chu 1994. Comparison of Infectivity and Pathogenicity of Meront (Trophozoite) and Prezoosporangiae Stages of the Oyster Pathogen Perkinsus-Marinus in Eastern Oysters, Crassostrea-Virginica (Gmelin, 1791). Journal of Shellfish Research 13(2): 521-527.
  247. Burreson, E. M., R. S. Alvarez, et al. 1994. Perkinsus-Marinus (Apicomplexa) as a Potential Source of Oyster Crassostrea-Virginica Mortality in Coastal Lagoons of Tabasco, Mexico. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 20(1): 77-82.
  248. Burreson, E. M., L. M. R. Calvo, et al. 1994. Acute Osmotic Tolerance of Cultured-Cells of the Oyster Pathogen Perkinsus-Marinus (Apicomplexa, Perkinsida). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology a-Physiology 109(3): 575-582.
  249. Kellyreay, K. and B. A. Weeksperkins 1994. Determination of the Macrophage Chemiluminescent Response in Fundulus-Heteroclitus as a Function of Pollution Stress. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 4(2): 95-102.
  250. Calvo, G. W. and E. M. Burreson 1994. In-Vitro and in-Vivo Effects of 8 Chemotherapeutants on the Oyster Parasite Perkinsus-Marinus (Mackin, Owen, and Collier). Journal of Shellfish Research 13(1): 101-107.
  251. Barber, B. J. and R. Mann 1994. Growth and Mortality of Eastern Oysters, Crassostrea-Virginica (Gmelin, 1791), and Pacific Oysters, Crassostrea-Gigas (Thunberg, 1793) under Challenge from the Parasite, Perkinsus-Marinus. Journal of Shellfish Research 13(1): 109-114.
  252. Calvo, L. M. R. and E. M. Burreson 1994. Characterization of Overwintering Infections of Perkinsus-Marinus (Apicomplexa) in Chesapeake Bay Oysters. Journal of Shellfish Research 13(1): 123-130.
  253. Burreson, E. M. and J. R. Arthur 1994. First North American record of the marine leech Notostomum laeve (Annelida: Hirudinea). Journal of Parasitology 80(5): 820-2.
  254. Chu, F. L. E., J. F. Lapeyre, et al. 1993. Perkinsus marinus Infection and Potential Defense-Related Activities in Eastern Oysters, Crassostrea virginica - Salinity Effects. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 62(3): 226-232.
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