Aquatic Diseases & Immunity: Top Stories

Senator Warner visits VIMS to discuss oyster restoration

Visit coincides with a growing recognition that increased disease resistance, a local surge in oyster aquaculture, and recently announced federal restoration goals promise new opportunities for restoring Bay oysters.

VIMS team wins grant to study blue crab disease

VIMS Professor Jeffrey Shields receives a 5-year, $2.4 million federal grant to study how fishing pressure and declines in water quality affect the emergence and spread of a blue crab disease in the seaside bays of Virginia’s Eastern Shore.

VIMS researchers investigate fish kill

Researchers at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science continue to investigate last week's fish-kill event, in which observers reported hundreds of dead and dying adult menhaden in several Peninsula waterways. The researchers have so far discovered no conclusive evidence as to the cause of this relatively small event.