
spot index graph

  • This species first recruits to the survey gear in March.
  • The index is for Age 0 fish.
  • The Young-of-Year cutoff values are:
    • March: 0-50 mm.
    • April: 0-75 mm.
    • May: 0-100 mm.
    • June: 0-135 mm.
    • July: 0-160 mm.
    • August: 0-180 mm.
    • September: 0-200 mm.
    • October: 0-200 mm.
    • November: 0-200 mm.
    • December: 0-200 mm.
    • January: 0-200 mm.
    • February: 0-200 mm.
  • YOY Index months are in bold.
  • Stations in both the upper and lower portions of the rivers and all Bay segments are used.

Data collected after the transition to a new vessel and net (June 2015) have been adjusted by a species-specific calibration factor.

Spot Excel file

For more information on how this species is managed please visit the ASMFC website.